Birthday! (Saturday)

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SKIPPING TO THE WEEKEND because I really can't be bothered writing out school days again and again LOL also the story would get a bit too long. ANYWAY...

Techno was the first one to wake up out of them all somehow, making it 6:37am. The first thing he did was shower then of cause do the normal things you would do every morning. He went down into the kitchen to see a cabinet open, seeing party things with alcohol at the back. *WILS BIRTHDAY OH SHIT I FORGOT! He literally told me 2 days ago how did I forget?!* he thought, instantly knowing what to do as he got paper before quickly finding scissors and random glue somewhere, he then sat down on one of the sofas. *Time to do what I used to do best* he thought, remembering exactly how to make a paper rose. Techno did a lot of origami back at the orphanage, it was the only thing that would truly calm him down, making roses and butterflies were his favourite things to make and so he did. He made 5 roses before putting a paper strip around them all and glueing it together. He then cut out cool little designs to put on the thing that made the flowers stand. He hadn't found any paint or anything like that so the flowers were all white.

After an hour of making that small bouquet of 5 roses, he heard footsteps coming down the stairs, making him jump as he quickly turned around to see Phil. "Oh, hiya mate, I didn't think anyone was awake?" Phil said, walking over to him, only now seeing the paper bouquet. "Oh wow, how did you do that?!" he asked surprisedly. "Memory, I did a lot of this in the orphanage" Techno smiled, very happy at Phil's reaction. "Aw mate, that's really cool! You've got to teach me how to do that later" Phil smiled, "can I hold em?" He asked as Techno nodded, letting Phil take it from his hand before watching. "These are really cool! Are these for Wil?" He asked, his smile remaining huge on his face. Techno nodded, his smile also rising. "Do you think he'll like em?" he asked. "Oh yeah he'll love these! Wil is creative like this, he's also kind of always wanted to do something like this but was never fully bothered to" Phil explained. "I'll mention it to him later if I remember" Techno smiled.

"That'd be nice, we could all do it at the table, get Tommy to try and do one" Phil joked as they both laughed. "Oh! Also Wil's friends Niki and Jack are coming over later to have a mini party, hence the alcohol in the kitchen" he added on. "Ok" Techno nodded, his smile remaining. "Tubbo and Ranboo are also coming over to entertain Tommy, do you have any friends of your own or has Wilbur taken you into his own friend group?" Phil laughed, still looking at the paper flowers. "Wil took me into his friend group yes but I'm glad he did, Niki and Jack are lovely, Jack not so much but Niki's really nice" Techno grinned. "Yeah everyone loves Niki and I'm glad, she's a really lovely girl, Jack is just the crack head of the group that Niki is forced to take care of" Phil joked, Techno agreeing through laughter.

There was a sudden thump on the stairs as they both turned around to see a half-asleep Tommy sat on the stairs. "You're both so loud" he whispered loud enough for them both to hear. "Sorry mate, come look at what Techno has made" Phil said as Tommy slowly walked over to them, seeing the flowers before quickly waking up. "Oh cool!" He said excitedly, "wait you made these? How?!". "I did it a lot in the orphanage" Techno repeated. "So you're telling me you made these off just purely your memory?" Tommy said confusedly, "how?!". "Don't know, just did it a lot of times to memories it" Techno smiled. "This looks really cool!" Tommy smiled, "can we make one later?" He asked. "Yeah sure?" Techno nodded, "It's for Wilbur". "Oh shit- damn! I haven't gotten him anything!" Tommy exclaimed. "We can quickly make something else for him if you want? I remember how to make a butterfly if you wanna make that?" Techno said, watching as Tommy lit up even more. "CAN WE?!" Tommy accidentally yelled before quickly apologising with a small laugh. "If we find more paper then yeah?" Techno smiled.

Another hour or 2 had passed as Tommy and Techno sat there on the sofa, facing each other with their paper creations. "Dad look what I made!" Tommy yelled quietly, running into the kitchen. "Oh wow! You're both so talented good job!" Phil smiled, making sure to match his energy. "Thanks! I'm gonna show Tubbo and Ranboo when they come 'round later" Tommy said, giddily running back over to Techno. "Thank you for showing me this!" He smiled. "No problem at all, these are the main things I remember to make since these were the things I made the most" Techno said, flexing in his own way. "Can you two help me bring down Wil's presents from my room please?" Phil asked, walking up the stairs. They both nodded before helping Phil bring down Wilbur's presents, putting them on the sofa. "Should we put our flowers and butterfly on the presents?" Techno asked once they were done. "I'm not" Tommy said. "Then I won't" Techno smiled.

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