Phil - Movies(?)

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Techno woke up to an alarm, he was confused as he slowly sat up and looked around, suddenly getting a wave of what had happened yesterday, *of cause, Wilbur saved me* he thought. He suddenly zoned back in as Wilbur slowly stood up and got clothes before going to the bathroom, soon returning in the clothes he had gotten with his old clothes in hand. "Oh- sorry, did I wake you up with the alarm?" Wilbur asked, only now noticing Techno. "N-no no it's fine" Techno stuttered before laying back down. "You can go back to sleep if you want, I'll be leaving in about 10 minutes for school so you'll be left in the house alone with dad- Phil, you can go to him if you need anything, I promise he doesn't bite, he's really nice to everyone" Wilbur explained.
"O-ok, thanks" Techno stuttered. "No problem, imma go wake Tommy up and do all that stuff, I probably won't be coming back in here so I'll say my goodbyes now" Wilbur laughed.

"Ok, bye" Techno waved. "Bye" Wilbur smiled, waving back before leaving. Techno sighed, not knowing what to do now. *When is Wilbur coming back? I could go and ask but I don't want to disturb him and I don't want to see their dad, as nice as he seems, who knows what he's like if it's just him and me, what if he secretly drinks or does any of that. I don't want another panic attack, they're tiring* he thought before slowly drifting back to sleep, soon waking back up to a knock at the door.
"Y-yes?" He stuttered confusedly before sitting up and stretching, watching as Phil walked into the room before closing the door. "Hiya mate, good morning" he laughed. "M-morning" Techno stuttered, his voice getting quieter. "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" Phil asked, sitting down on the edge of Wilbur's bed whilst facing Techno. "I-I don't mind" Techno stuttered, fiddling and picking at his hands, showing how nervous he had became but Phil hadn't noticed.

"Ok, my first question is where did you come from? You couldn't have always lived on the streets right?" Phil said, starting the questions. "I-I came f-from the orphanage" Techno stuttered. "Ok, did they let you out of something? Did you escape?". Techno felt his heart sink a bit as his head started to hurt, making it hard for him to think, "I-I escaped" he accidentally blurted out. "Oh, ok then, may I ask why?" Phil said confusedly. *May as well tell the truth now since I've already fucked it up for myself* Techno thought, "I-I didn't want to go t-to another home, e-every single one I have ever gone to h-has been" he said before stopping. "Rough?" Phil said, a hint of concern in his voice. Techno nodded, looking at Phil before looking back down at his hands. "Well I can assure you now that you're completely safe here, no one will hurt you except for Tommy if he's in an annoying mood but even then it'll only be a light punch or something y'know?" Phil said with a small smile as Techno nodded again.

"Wilbur pointed out to me that you hadn't eaten anything yesterday, are you hungry now?" Phil asked. Techno shook his head, *what else has Wilbur told him?!* he thought, zoning out. "Are you alright?" Phil asked, a hint of worry in his voice. "Y-yes sorry" Techno quickly said. "It's fine don't worry" Phil smiled, "speaking of worry, do you have any worries about this place that you maybe wanna mention?" He continued to ask. "N-no not really" Techno lied, he had a few. "Ok then, one last question" Phil said before continuing, "do you have any triggers? Y'know, things that would maybe set off a panic attack or something?". "I-I don't know, I-I don't think so, sorry" Techno said quietly. "Ok, it's ok, do you wanna come downstairs or stay up here? We could watch a movie together or something, y'know? Get more comfortable with each other?" Phil said, standing up. "S-sure" Techno said quietly before following Phil downstairs.

"You can go and sit down on any of the sofas over there whilst I get food and drinks and blankets" Phil smiled before walking to the kitchen. "O-ok" Techno said, looking over at the sofa area. There were 3, one long one with 3 seats with 2 other single sofas at the sides whilst a coffee table sat in the middle, then the TV. He sat down on one of the single sofas, slowly getting comfy as he shivered from the cold of the morning. "I'll put everything here" Phil smiled, putting the snacks and things on the coffee table before gently laying a blanket over Techno. "T-thank you" Techno said quietly, snuggling into the blanket, shivering from the sudden warm feeling. "No problem, did you have any films you would watch at the orphanage?" Phil asked. "N-not really, I-I read books whilst the other kids watched things" Techno said, slowly getting more comfortable.

"That's kinda cool, reading is great! I've got some books of my own that you can have if you'd like after this?" Phil said, grabbing the TV remote before sitting down on the long sofa, sitting in the middle of it. "Y-you don't have too" Techno quickly said, now feeling stupid for even talking. "No no it's fine, there's a lot I've already read so you can have them if you want them?" Phil smiled. "O-ok, thank you so much" Techno said, slowly gaining eye contact with him before he smiled back at him. "It's no problem at all, now what do you wanna watch?" Phil asked. "I-I don't mind" Techno stuttered. "I'll go through them and if you see one that catches your eye then point it out" Phil said as he started scrolling. Techno soon saw one that stuck with him as he pointed it out. "This one?" Phil said confusedly. "Y-yes please" Techno stuttered again. "Ok" Phil smiled at him before putting the film on.

Wholesome :D

1043 words

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