A lot of Emotions...

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"How're you feeling?" Techno asked calmly as he looked down at Tommy who was still snuggled up against his side. "A-a bit better now that I'm not alone" Tommy answered honestly, his voice slightly shaky. "Well that's good then right?" Techno said, feeling Tommy nod. "Do you wanna do anything?" He asked. "I-I don't want Wilbur to be upset anymore" Tommy said as a tear rolled down his face. "Wilbur will be ok I promise, want me to go and get him and we can figure this all out together?" Techno said, watching Tommy hesitate before nodding. "Ok, you stay here whilst I go and get him, I won't be long at all" he said, getting up before leaving the room.

He slowly opened the door to his shared bedroom, seeing Wilbur still with his face in the pillow. "How do you breathe?" He asked, half laughing. "I don't" Wilbur's muffled voice said in reply. "Tommy wants to figure this all out with just me, you and him if that's fine?". Wilbur perked up as he quickly looked at Techno before getting up. "Yes of cause lets go" he said as he started walking, about to walk out of the room before being stopped by Techno. "Alright slow down, before we go in there I need you to be calm ok? The last thing we want is for something to stress Tom out even more" Techno said. "You're right" Wilbur nodded, taking a breather before they both went into Tommy's room. Wilbur sat in the chair and Techno sat on the edge of the bed whilst Tommy sat against the wall. "Are you ok?" was the first thing Wilbur had said after the small moment of awkward silence. Tommy nodded with a small sniffle. "Want anything?" Wilbur continued to ask, Tommy shook his head.

There was another moment of silence as Techno sat there lost in thought. *Why am I here again? What time is it?* he randomly thought before Wilbur spoke up again. "You said that the bullying had stopped? Did you lie to stop dad worrying or did you genuinely think it had stopped?" he asked. Tommy sighed before answering, "I-I lied, I didn't want you or dad to worry anymore" he said, his voice still shaky. "Ok that's fine, just next time don't lie to me, I don't care if you lie to dad or not but just don't lie to me, I need you to know that you have someone you can trust ok? Someone you can talk to" Wilbur said, watching as Tommy looked at the very much zoned out Techno before looking back at him. "That's good that you trust him but I'm right here, I always have been alright? It's ok to tell me things" Wilbur said with a small smile, watching tears start to break through again. "Sorry" Tommy said, his voice breaking as he quickly wiped his eyes. "It's alright, want a hug?" Wilbur asked, moving so he was sitting against the headboard of the bed before opening his arms. Tommy quietly crawled over to him before Wilbur pulled him into a tight hug.

"I-I'm sorry I was so dramatic" Tommy cried, his cries muffled due to his face being buried into Wilbur's shoulder. "You weren't dramatic at all? It was my fault all of this happened, I shouldn't have lashed out at you" Wilbur calmly said, "It's alright, are we all good now?" He asked, holding a hand up so Tommy could see. Tommy nodded, gently high-fiving Wilbur's hand with only his finger. "That's good, is there anything you wanna talk about? Anything with school or something?" Wilbur asked, feeling Tommy shake his head. "Ok, want us to leave you alone?" He asked more, hearing Tommy whisper a quiet "stay please". "Ok, it is starting to get late so we can't stay for too long" Wilbur said, not feeling or hearing Tommy reply. "Are we all good now?" Techno suddenly asked after not listening to that entire thing. "Yeah, welcome back" Wilbur laughed, Techno laughing with him. "You ok Tom?" Techno asked, not seeing or hearing Tommy respond. "Tired?" He asked, watching Tommy nod. "Same to be honest" Techno laughed, "saying this, I'm gonna go and get ready for bed, I'll be back in like 5-10 minutes depending on if I fall asleep or not" he said, getting up before leaving. "Ok" Wilbur replied before hearing a quiet sniffle come from Tom.

"You've been quite down over the past few days, has something happened?" He asked, lowering his voice. "No nothing has happened b-but I just feel sad all the time and I don't know why" Tommy said, stuttering and being slow with his words. "Ok, is something happening in your personal life?" Wilbur questioned even more. "No" Tommy sniffled. "Alright, is anything stressing you out?". Tommy paused for a second before nodding, kinda regretting it. "What's up?". "School, t-the people in the school, beach days, my-my thoughts, this random feeling, all of it" Tommy said, very slowly cheering up. "School I'm guessing grades? People in the school are the bullies, beach days and your thoughts?" Wilbur said, clearly confused. "Don't worry about it, forget I even said anything" Tommy said, sounding more and more worn out. "Are you sure? Is it maybe something you can tell me another time?". Tommy nodded, not exactly sure if he was lying or not about agreeing. "Ok, are you alright for me to go now? If not then I can stay with you for longer" Wilbur said.

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