Day Off

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Techno woke up to a pounding headache. He rubbed his head as he slowly sat up and looked around, not seeing Wilbur anywhere. He looked at his phone that had been previously charging, it made him smile just to have something like this in his hand. He then looked at the time, 11:24am. *SCHOOL!* he quickly thought, stumbling out of bed before standing there, losing his vision slightly before gaining it back. He very quickly got dressed and brushed his teeth and hair before dashing downstairs, running 'round the corner to the kitchen before stopping. "Wow, good morning mate, are you alright?" Phil asked, he was sitting down at the table with a mug in hand. Techno took a deep breath to get his breathing more steady before speaking, "yes but erm, what about school?" He asked, still slightly out of breath.

"Wilbur told me that school didn't really treat you well for your first day and said for you to have the day off" Phil said, watching as Techno zoned out and his breathing wasn't slowing down either. He then put the mug down before standing up and gently grabbing Techno's shoulder. "Techno mate, your breathing's a bit fast, take a breath for a second" he said with a small smile of reassurance. "Y-yeah ok" Techno sighed, not noticing his breathing until now. "Want my help or are you alright to do it by yourself?" Phil asked, taking his hand off Techno's shoulder before stepping back slightly. "I-it's fine I can do it myself" Techno quickly said as he turned around and closed his eyes, focusing on slowly breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth.

Once his breathing had calmed down he turned back around, suddenly making eye contact with Phil before he looked at the ground. "Does eye contact not agree with you?" Phil asked curiously. "N-no not really, sorry" Techno sighed once again. "Oh it's completely fine, Wil and Tommy get like that sometimes when they're nervous" Phil said, "do you think it's a nervous thing or does it just make you uncomfortable?" He asked. "I-I don't really know, sorry" Techno said, slowly getting quieter. "It's alright, you don't have to apologise mate you're fine" Phil smiled. Techno nodded. "Are you really alright? You look tired and quite down" Phil questioned, having the 'worried dad' look. "Y-yes yeah I'm fine" Techno laughed slightly. "Can you tell me what happened at school? Because I know there are some nasty little shits there" Phil said, making Techno smile slightly before it dropped.

"N-nothing happened, I don't know why Wilbur said that" Techno lied as he scratched the back of his neck. "Are you sure?" Phil asked, knowing he was lying, "you don't have to lie to me y'know, I'm not gonna get mad or anything close to that if you tell me the truth or not but I'd prefer if you tell me the truth" he said, trying to sound as non-threatening as possible. "Erm, w-well I guess it was just the nasty kids, I-it's fine though I'm fine" Techno quickly said. "If you're not 'fine' then you can tell me y'know? Again I'm not gonna be mad or disappointed or anything like that, we can just have a little chat about what's going on if that's maybe what you need?" Phil said with a small smile. "No-no everything's fine" Techno quickly said, looking at everything but Phil as he felt himself start to zone out, he started to remember everything the bullies had said to him, calling him a girl and touching his hair and other weird shit.

"Mate" Phil said, seeing tears slowly form in Techno's eyes. "Yes?" Techno said, his voice cracking as he looked at Phil before looking away, quickly wiping his eyes as if Phil hadn't noticed. "Do you wanna maybe sit down with me and we can talk about what's going on?" Phil asked in a soft voice. "We don't need to I mean e-everything's fine" Techno said, his voice cracking slightly every now and then. "Techno mate you're clearly not ok, you're on the verge of tears, come on" Phil said calmly as he led Techno over to the sofas before they both sat down. "I-I'm sorry if I've done something wrong" Techno stuttered, tears flooding his eyes again before he quickly wiped them away. "You haven't done anything wrong at all" Phil reassured him, "what's got you upset? What's bothering you?" He asked calmly. "I-I don't know I'm sorry" Techno whispered so his voice wouldn't crack.

"It's alright I promise, you don't need to apologise, is it school or maybe something about the past or is it suddenly moving here that is stressing you out? You can tell me it's alright" Phil said, "and if you don't wanna tell me then that's completely ok too, we can both do something to cheer you up". "I-I don't know what it is" Techno whispered, accidentally sniffling as a tear dropped. "It's alright, I'm here for you mate ok, I know we were strangers not even a week ago but I promise you can trust me" Phil said as he gently rubbed his shoulder to give him a bit of comfort. "T-thank you" Techno whispered, feeling his hands start to shake before he hid them in his sleeves. "Do you want a hug?" Phil asked with a small smile as he opened his arms. Techno gave in as he shuffled into Phil's arms before gently hugging him back.

"It's alright, are you maybe scared or worried about anything?" Phil asked calmly as he slowly rubbed Techno's back. Techno shook his head. "Has something happened?" Phil continued to ask, feeling Techno shake his head again. "Ok, it's ok, you're gonna be ok I promise" he said, keeping his tone as calm as possible to help more. Techno was trying desperately to try and stop crying but it wasn't working at all as he accidentally cried quietly into Phil's shoulder. "S-sorry I'm sorry" he whispered. "You haven't done anything wrong I promise, you can cry if you need mate it's alright" Phil reassured him, "I'm sorry if this comes off as rude but do you have any mental health issues or any disability's that I'm not aware of?" He asked. "N-no I don't think so" Techno said, his voice cracking quite a bit. "Ok, it's ok" Phil whispered to him as he let Techno cry into his shoulder, knowing he needed this.

Techno soon stopped crying as he separated from the hug and sat back, sudden numbness washing over him, he wanted to go upstairs but didn't want to be rude at the same time. "Techno-" "please can I go upstairs" Techno said, accidentally cutting Phil off without realising. "Yes of cause, do you want me to go with you?" Phil asked, clearly worried. "No-no, It's fine" Techno stuttered as he got up and went upstairs, closing the door behind him once he entered his bedroom. He suddenly felt too weak to walk as he sat on the ground with his legs crossed and sobbed, listening as the voices yelled at him to cut. They started getting louder and louder to the point where Techno's ears hurt. He got up before going over to his bed and grabbing his blade before rolling up his sleeve. He then put the cold, blooded blade to his skin before pressing down and slicing, going over the cut again and again until he started on a new cut, then another and another until his arm was covered with warm blood.

*Fuck* he thought, realising how much damage he had actually caused as he quickly stood up, getting incredibly lightheaded and losing his vision as he stumbled slightly before gaining back his vision. He then quickly walked over to the bedroom door and opened it before freezing, seeing a startled Phil now standing in front of him, looking like he was about to knock on the now opened door. Techno very quickly hid his arm behind him regardless of if Phil had seen it or not. He suddenly felt very faint but ignored it. "Techno mate, did I see that correctly? Your arm I mean" Phil said worriedly. "N-no no I'm fine" Techno said, his words getting more slurry as he started stumbling, suddenly feeling hands on his shoulders to hold him up. "Wow wow Techno mate, it's alright I've got you, c'mon let's go sit down" Phil said, leading Techno over to his bed before sitting him down.

"Techno-" "sorry I'll be right back" Techno quickly said, cutting him off as he quickly got up before running to the bathroom, stumbling quite a lot. He quickly locked the door behind him before falling to the ground, feeling too weak to do anything as his arm continued to bleed. "Techno mate it's ok just open the door" Techno suddenly heard. "I-I'm sorry I can't" he started to cry as his breathing started getting heavier and faster. "Ok ok it's ok, try and breathe, you're ok, relax" Phil said calmly through the door, hearing Techno's breathing. Techno suddenly saw little spots of black, knowing he was about to pass out, "I-I'm sorry for everything I-I'm sorry" he cried. "You have nothing to apologise for I promise you're ok, you're alright don't worry, everything's ok now" Phil said before hearing a thud.

My guy just fucking passed out wtf...

Also sorry if this seems a bit rushed towards the end, I had to re-write it exactly 3 times due to the internet crashing and whatnot... got it in the end tho so it's all good lol.

1632 words

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