Trauma Talk

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Techno suddenly woke up in a cold sweat and panic as he quickly sat up in bed. "Hey hey Techno it's alright you're ok" he heard as he looked to his left, seeing Wilbur sitting in a chair next to him holding his hand. "It's alright you're ok now, it's ok" Wilbur reassured him. Techno suddenly got a wave of everything that had happened with Phil, with the blade and with everything in the bathroom. He then hissed, feeling loads of little pins and needles in his left arm as he looked at his arm. It was all bandaged up and felt quite numb. Wilbur noticed it all as Techno's fear rose. "Don't worry dad didn't see, he quickly picked us up and told us something had happened to you in the bathroom and you had locked the door, I knew that something like this may have happened so I didn't let dad or Tommy in the bathroom" Wilbur explained, breathing before continuing, "I quickly cleaned your arm and bandaged it up before letting them in but Techno, there was a lot of blood" Wilbur said, watching as Techno burst out crying as he said that.

He brought him into a close hug, hearing him whisper a small "I'm so sorry". "None of this is your fault I promise, this was no one's fault" Wil whispered to him to calm him down as he slowly rubbed his back. "It's alright I've got you now, I'm sorry you felt the need to do that and I'm sorry you felt like you had no one to rely on or maybe tell this to, but I'm here now, I'm here for you and you can tell me everything if you need, you're safe I promise" Wilbur said slowly to help calm Techno down more. He went to let go but felt Techno grab onto him, Techno hadn't noticed he himself had done this as he closed his eyes tightly. "It's alright I'm not going anywhere, you don't have to worry about that I promise, I'm going to stay with you until I know you're ok to be by yourself ok, you can relax, I'm not leaving you" Wilbur whispered to him.

"Thank you f-for saving me" Techno whispered shakily, slowly calming down. "It's alright but please, next time you feel like you want or maybe need to cut or do anything like that, tell me and if I'm not home then message me and we can text until I get home ok?" Wilbur explained. "W-Wilbur" Techno whispered. "Yeah?" Wilbur whispered back. "W-why do you care so m-much about me?" Techno asked through a whisper. "Because I feel like I need to take care of you and protect you, don't question it it's weird" Wilbur answered with a small laugh at the end. Techno felt himself start to let go of Wil before he gently laid back down in bed. He suddenly felt overwhelmingly worried and scared except he didn't know why. "Techno" Wilbur said, snapping Techno out of his thoughts.

"What made you relapse?" he asked. Techno froze before thinking, "I-I don't really know I-I just got overwhelmed and they started yelling so I just did it" Techno said, his voice shaky. "They?" Wilbur questioned, watching as Techno gasped before looking away. "Is it a secret?" Wilbur asked, Techno slowly nodded. "Then you don't have to say anything I promise, you're ok" Wil reassured him with a small smile. Techno slowly nodded, letting out extra air he had kept in. There was a minute of silence before Wilbur spoke, "Tommy was worried about you y'know, dad especially was". Techno then looked at Wilbur, clear confusion on his face, "they-they were?" He said, his eyebrows all weird. "Yeah, Tommy left the room not so long ago, he wanted to make sure you were alright but I told him to go and distract himself" Wilbur explained, "dad is downstairs right now, probably stress cooking".

"O-oh" Techno said quietly, *they all really do care about me? Unless he's saying all this just to make me feel better, that's probably it* he thought. "Dad was debating taking you to the hospital but I knew you weren't gonna be out for long so I denied it. Me and him then carried you here. I grabbed a chair whilst he went downstairs and I guess we all waited for you to wake up" Wilbur explained more, "they will both have questions to ask you, Tommy especially and some of his questions will be personal so if you don't want to answer it then just say you're not comfortable with the question or just signal me in some way and I'll tell him to ask something different ok?". Techno nodded, he didn't want questions though, his head hurt like hell and so did his arm, his throat hurt from crying and his body felt weak.

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