Cuts and Bruises

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It was 10:05am, Techno was sitting on his bed with his phone in his hands, ignoring every message that was sent from the mystery person until they started sending messages again. It very quickly made Techno annoyed so he put his phone back down with a sigh before hearing a knock at the door. "Come in!" He called out, watching as Tommy walked in with a nervous expression on his face. "Hey, are you ok?" Techno asked. "Yeah yeah sorry" Tommy said, closing the door behind him before going over to Techno, "the-the bruises are starting to hurt a lot more than usual" he said. "Want me to have a look at them?" Techno asked as Tommy nodded. "Ok, let's go to the bathroom, there's a mirror in there and medical supply's if we need it" Techno said as he got up before walking with Tommy to the bathroom.

Tommy locked the bathroom door, clearly very on edge. "It's alright, you can relax" Techno smiled at him as he nodded. "Wanna check your back first?" he asked as Tommy nodded, turning around to face the door before slowly lifting up his shirt, taking his arms out the shirt so it rested on his shoulders around his neck, making his whole back visible. Techno gasped quietly to himself, there were bruises and cuts everywhere and there were still some dried blood that had smeared on his back. "Ok I'm gonna say for you to have a shower before I try and fix anything because there's quite a bit of dried blood" he said. "O-ok" Tommy stuttered, "does it look bad?" he asked shakily as he put his t-shirt back on before turning around. "I'm not gonna lie to you Tommy, it looks pretty bad" Techno said, seeing Tommys eyes go glossier. "Don't cry it's alright, you'll be ok I promise" he smiled at him. Tommy nodded as he sniffled. "It's ok, I'll leave you to shower and get changed, then I can have another look ok?" Techno said, trying his best to comfort Tommy without touching him. Tommy nodded again.

"Ok, I'll be somewhere around the house if you need me" Techno laughed as he went to leave before feeling a tug on his sleeve. "But if I yell for you then can you come here quick please?" Tommy said nervously. "Yes of cause don't worry" Techno smiled, "don't put the shower on hot by the way, it'll make everything hurt even more, keep it at a warm temperature" he said. "Ok, I'll get clothes first then shower" Tommy said before Techno gave a last smile of reassurance before leaving. He went downstairs first, not seeing Wilbur anywhere. "Where's Wil?" He asked Phil who was watching TV. "He went out with his mates to the park and shops and what not, he'll be back in a couple of hours tho" Phil said. "Ok" Techno replied. "Are you hungry?". "No I'm fine thank you". "Ok" Phil said before remembering something, "Oh and thank you for looking out for Tommy yesterday, I really appreciate that thank you" he smiled. "It's no problem at all I don't mind it one bit" Techno smiled back before heading back upstairs and waiting outside the bathroom.

"Techno?" Tommy said after about 10 minutes. "I'm here" Techno quickly said, "you ok?". "Yeah, I'm done" Tommy sniffled. "Ok, can I come in?" Techno asked, placing a hand on the doorknob. "Yeah" Tommy said, his voice shaky. Techno walked in, closing the door behind him as he watched Tommy lock it before walking back to where he was. "Ok, if you're ready that is, can you lift up your shirt like you did before please" Techno said as Tommy nodded, turning around before lifting up his shirt like he had. Techno could see the cuts clearer this time, they were deep and the bruises were a dark purple. "W-what does it look like?" Tommy asked, clearly very worried and nervous as his hands started shaking slightly. "Ok do you have a cream for bruises and cuts that you know work?" Techno asked, ignoring his question. "I-I think so?" Tommy said as he got a tub out of one of the cupboards before handing it to Techno and turning back around.

"Ok, I'll put this on the cuts and bruises and we will have to pray it works" Techno joked as Tommy nodded. "This will be cold and it might hurt, if it does then tell me". "Ok" Tommy sniffled again, not exactly crying but something close to it, he wasn't very sure himself. Techno gently put some of the cream onto the cuts and bruises, hearing hisses from Tommy every now and then. "It hurts I don't like it" Tommy said, his voice cracking slightly. "It's ok, I'm being as gentle as I can I promise, it will stop hurting in a bit" Techno said, "you don't have to answer if you don't want to but what do your friends do about all of this?" He asked. "T-they don't notice, I only have 2 classes with them both and none of the classes have break or lunch after it so at break or lunch depending on when it happened, I-I would just say that the teacher let the class out late and I-I would feel the painful lump in my throat, I-I hate it" Tommy started to cry.

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