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He listened as Wilbur started explaining who everyone was, "so, let's start with the bullies" he started before pointing to 2 groups, "that is the bully group full of barbie wanna-be's and the other is the bully group full of sweaty football players" Wilbur explained, "the rest of the people aren't important" he said before spotting his own friends, "Oh! Over there is Niki and Jack, don't worry they're both very nice, especially Niki, Jack makes some unwanted jokes sometimes so if he says something that makes you uncomfortable then just whisper it to me and I can change the subject, not hard at all". "O-ok" Techno stuttered, still a bit shaky. "It's alright, wanna go over to 'em?" Wilbur asked, looking at Techno. Techno nodded nervously before following Wilbur over to the 2. Techno saw them clearly now, Jack had red and blue glasses and was bald... yeah. Niki had pink hair like his except it was shoulder length, Technos clearly wasn't.

"Hello! I'm Niki and this is Jack, don't mind him though he's a bit weird" Niki spoke. Her voice was kinda high pitched and soft but could easily scare you with the right words. "'Ey?! I'm not weird you're weird?!" Jack said, his voice being high pitched before he calmed down, "what's your name?" He asked. "E-erm" Techno stuttered as they all stared at him. "Wilbur told me it was Techno?" Niki said with a small smile. Techno nodded. "That's a cool name" she smiled before gasping, "We have the same hair colour oh that's so cool!" She said, her smile growing. "Y-yeah" Techno laughed. "Anyway, yes this is Techno, Jack don't crack any jokes because I know what most of them are" Wilbur said, looking at Jack specifically. "WHAT MAN?!" Jack yelled. Techno jumped, luckily no one noticed. The 3 made up a conversation whilst Techno listened until the bell went.

Fast forward to lunch. "It's just this way" Wilbur said, leading Techno to the cafeteria. Techno nodded, walking beside Wilbur to make sure he was keeping up as he stared at the floor, making sure not to make eye contact with anyone. They both soon walked into the cafeteria, "let's go buy food then we can go and sit down" Wilbur said as they both walked over to the queue for food and waited. "Niki and Jack are over there if you wanna sit with them, if not then just me and you can sit together to maybe make you more comfortable, your choice" Wilbur said, making sure Techno knew he had choices. Techno shrugged, he didn't like Jack, he seemed loud and annoying. Wilbur then noticed Technos hands were shaking and he was half zoned out, "when we've got our food I'll take you to a place quieter than in here" he said as Techno nodded.

"Do you want me to order for you?" Wilbur asked. "N-no it's fine" Techno stuttered, *Why did I say that?! I can barely even speak to Wilbur never mind some random lunch lady* he thought. "Are you sure? It's no problem at all" Wilbur said with a reassuring smile. "Who's this? Your new girlfriend?" Techno suddenly heard someone laugh behind him, *I'm not a girl* he thought, suddenly hearing the voices pipe up. *"Kill" "Get 'em!" "Ew?!" "Who's that?" "E"*. "This is my brother now back off" Wilbur said in a stern tone. *Brother?* Techno thought before he realised he had froze, *not now please not now* he thought as he closed his eyes and focused on calming himself down. "Brother? Why does your 'brother' have long pink hair? Long and especially pink hair is for girls?!" He heard again as he closed his eyes tighter, trying desperately to ignore it, *I should be used to this by now* he thought more. "Because he does now fuck off" Wilbur said, he sounded angry.

"It's ugly" the person said as he started touching Technos hair before he whispered in his ear, "tell your 'brother' here to back off for me"."HEY" Wilbur suddenly yelled as Techno felt the person back away from him. "Wow man calm down I'm not even doing anything" the person laughed before Techno heard him start walking away. "Techno" Wilbur said as they both slowly made eye contact before Techno very quickly looked away. Wilbur saw tears in Technos eyes as his nose started turning redder. "I'll get the food then we can go, we're next anyway" he said, calming down a lot so he didn't sound angry. He ordered for himself and Techno before taking him outside and bringing him under a tree before they both sat down. It was a sunny day, meaning the tree had created a shield for them so they could hide from the sun. "Are you ok?" Wilbur asked as he looked at Technos face. Tears were threatening to drop as he hid his hands in his hoodies sleeves, he was zoned out as he stared at the grass.

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