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Techno slowly woke up, his head was instantly pounding with pain whilst his body felt worn out. He tried ignoring it all as he looked at his phone, *06:27am? I've only gotten 5 hours of sleep, great* he thought, putting his phone back down. He saw Wilbur sleeping peacefully in his own bed, he looked calm and very comfortable, Techno was almost jealous. He turned to face the wall before he zoned out, letting all the good but mostly bad thoughts start to run. He was only now remembering everything that had happened only a few hours ago, with the alcohol and what not. *What is Tommy and Phil gonna think of me? Will they hate me? Will they be mad? Are they mad? Were they mad? Will Phil kick me out? He can't right? I can't go back, I can not go back* he thought, feeling his chest start to hurt as tears started flooding his eyes. *I can't go back, not again, I'm not going back again for the 100th time it feels like, it's not happening, if I get kicked out then I'll run, I'll run until I die or get caught, I am not going back to that torturous orphanage with its horrible and mean kids and abusive households, it's not happening* he thought, feeling himself get madder but also more upset the more he repeated himself.

*Should I run away? It would hurt a lot less if I was to run away rather than Phil kicking me out right? I mean it would, but I can't run away, what if they aren't mad at me, am I overthinking this?* he continued, too awake now to go back to sleep. He suddenly heard footsteps outside the door, *too heavy to be Tommy's* he thought. The door slowly opened, not creaking at all as the room lit up from the light being on in the hallway. Techno didn't move an inch as his thoughts started going hay-wire. *Why's Phil here?! Is he checking on us? Is this normal? Is he going to hurt us? Is he going to hurt me?!*. The door soon closed silently, allowing Techno to breathe and relax again, *why is he awake at this time?* he wondered, closing his eyes in hope to go back to sleep but it was hopeless, there was no way after all. He soon got very bored and decided to go on his phone, ignoring every single bad message from the same person as he instead went on Instagram and looked at some art people had done.

It didn't take long at all for him to become jealous and wish he himself could do that, but alas he didn't have the skills so he didn't see a point. He then remembered his books as he got one out and turned the flashlight on on his phone before realising he had already read these books, too many times. There was no library at the orphanage so he never got new books, he would secretly steal books that he liked from homes, only managing to get 2, one was about a kid who grew up in the jungle whilst the other was about a Greek God, Theseus. 'The Legend of Theseus' was his favourite out of the 2, he found a very good interest in the god. Anyway, he soon put that book back before sitting up in bed and sighing, not knowing what to do now. *I could go downstairs* he thought, remembering what had happened just a couple of hours ago, *maybe not*. He looked around, the little amount of sun shining through the window whilst the sky was painted with warm colours.

Techno stared at the sky, finding it mesmerising how pretty it all was, he was kinda jealous. He suddenly froze and watched as Wilbur turned over and faced the wall before stopping, allowing Techno to move and breathe again. *Well I know Phil is up so maybe I could go talk to him?* he thought before disagreeing, *why would I do that?! It'd be awkward... What about Tommy? No he's probably asleep* he continued to think before giving up and lying back down with an annoyed sigh. He laid there for a good minute, now staring at the wall again whilst thinking of random things like food and what he would do for the day.

He soon heard footsteps again, they were light. *Tommy?* he thought, listening as the door opened. The person didn't move for a good second before Techno heard them quietly walk over to him before standing there. Techno slowly turned over and saw Tommy standing there quivering, his eyes were red with tears and his hands were shaking slightly. Techno didn't say anything as he sat against the wall with his legs crossed before opening with arms with a smile. Tommy crawled onto the bed before being pulled into a close hug. Techno sat Tommy in his lap before holding him closely. "I'm sorry" he heard Tommy whisper very quietly. "It's alright I promise, its ok" Techno whispered back, letting Tommy cry quietly as he sniffled every now and then. "Do you need to talk?" He whispered, feeling Tommy nod. "Ok, let's go to your room, yeah?" Techno smiled quietly as Tommy nodded again. They both got up as Techno held Tommys hand gently before leading him back to his room.

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