Even More Problems

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Once they all arrived back home, Wilbur pulled Tommy aside to talk to him in his room and Phil went into the kitchen to probably grab coffee whilst Techno went to his shared room. He saw his phone almost constantly start to buzz, he had completely forgotten about his phone as he quickly went over to it and took it off charge before looking and reading the almost 100 messages. It was from the same unknown person except this time, the messages were a lot more mean and rude. There were ones that stuck out to Techno, they said things about how he should cut himself and how he should kill himself, everyone would be happier anyway, things like that.

Wilbur suddenly barged into the room with a clearly annoyed sigh. "You ok?" Techno asked as Wilbur looked at him. "Oh sorry, I thought you were downstairs" he said before sitting down on his bed and taking out his phone before scrolling. "Did something happen?" Techno said confusedly. "It's just ever since Tommy has talked to you, he doesn't tell me his emotions anymore, he doesn't tell me anything" Wilbur explained with another annoyed sigh at the end. "Want me to go talk to him?" Techno asked worriedly. "Go ahead" Wilbur sighed more, clearly unbothered and misdirecting his anger.

Techno nodded before getting up and going to Tommy's room, knocking on the door. "Go away" he heard, he sounded almost scared. "It's Techno". "I know" Techno heard a quick response, confused about how he knew. "Can I come in?" he asked calmly. "O-ok" Tommy stuttered accidentally. Techno opened the door, seeing Tommy hiding his hands in his sleeves whilst staring at a chair that was placed in front of his bed, he had a clear frightened expression on his face whilst looking almost stunned. Techno closed the door behind him before going over and sitting in the chair, "what's wrong?" he asked, watching as a silent tear dropped from Tommy's eye, racing down his cheek until Techno wiped it away with his thumb.

"W-Wilbur yelled at me, s-sorry I'm crying I just never ex-expected Wilbur to yell at me, ever" Tommy said shakily. "Why did he yell at you? You don't have to answer if you don't want to" Techno calmly said, reminding him. "He-he said I don't tell him anything anymore, then he got mad and said that I-I can trust him b-but I'm scared of him, I-I've never been truly scared of Wil before" Tommy started to cry, jumping at the sudden movement of Techno slowly holding his hands out. Their hands met, Techno instantly felt Tommy's hands shaking violently. "It's alright I promise, he has said the same to me a couple of times that ever since you've talked to me in private that you won't talk to him and tell him everything like your worries and emotions and what not" Techno explained calmly.

"B-but I don't want to talk to him, especially not in p-private anymore, and especially with the bullying because he-he just gets mad and doesn't listen, like he literally just did, I-I tried to talk but he just cut me off and started yelling" Tommy said as his hands somehow got more shakier. "Ok it's ok, take a couple of deep breaths, we don't want to trigger another panic attack because that might happen, it's alright, I'm right here to talk if you need to, I'll also talk to Wilbur and tell him how you feel if you want me to? Or we can all just talk it out together and try and figure this all out?" Techno suggested, watching as Tommy hesitated with his answer. "You don't have to answer now, take your time" he said with a reassuring smile. "T-thank you" Tommy said, taking deep breaths. "It's no problem at all, take it slow ok?". Tommy nodded, suddenly getting flashbacks of what had just happened. "I-I don't think I want to talk to Wilbur right now, and definitely not alone" he answered, his voice slightly shaky. "That's completely fine don't worry, do you want me to go and talk to him now?" Techno asked. "C-can you stay here for a bit or are you busy?" Tommy asked, clearly still very nervous.

"I will stay with you until you want me to go ok? It's alright" Techno reassured him. Tommy nodded before whispering a quiet "thank you". "It's completely fine don't worry, again take it slow, don't think about it all too much or you'll end up getting overwhelmed ok?" Techno said as Tommy nodded, clearly zoning in and out. "Can I" Tommy said before stopping and sighing. "Its ok go ahead" Techno said quietly. "I-I dont know how to ask" Tommy stuttered. "Its alright, just say what you want or need, could be just a word" Techno said patiently. "Hug" Tommy said, sniffling slightly. "Yeah of cause" Techno smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed as Tommy sat next to him, leaning against him before he felt Techno hold him gently yet comfortingly. He felt the tears stuck in his throat, it hurt more and more. "I-it hurts" he whispered. "What does?" Techno asked calmly. "T-the tears stuck in my throat again". "Oh right yeah, it can be very annoying, want me to go get you some water?" Techno asked before feeling Tommy shake his head no. "Ok" he nodded, getting an idea as he grabbed a blanket that was sitting behind him before putting it around Tommy and holding him again.

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