First Night

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It had been an hour now since what happened with Tommy. Wilbur had been comforting Techno through it all, reassuring him every now and then that everything was fine and Tommy wouldn't tell anyone. "Is there anything you wanna talk about?" Wilbur asked, they were now sitting opposite each other, still on Technos bed. Techno shook his head, "t-thank you though". "Its no problem at all" Wilbur smiled at him, "do you have any questions you feel you need to ask?" He asked him. Techno shook his head even though there were quite a few. "Have any worries?" Wilbur continued to ask, Techno shook his head again. "Ok, can I help with your arm?" He asked. Techno hesitated before shaking his head, "s-sorry" he whispered. Wilbur noticed Techno slowly grab onto the bottom of his sleeves. "Ok, that's fine, you do have to clean the cut or cuts though" Wilbur said. *I have never done that ever* Techno thought to himself as he nodded. "I-I'll go do that now" he stuttered as he hesitantly got up before going to the bathroom and locking the door, not seeing Tommy anywhere in sight.

He sighed before looking in the mirror, he hated the way he looked, it all felt wrong, he didn't really know how to explain it either but the person in the mirror didn't look like him, it didn't feel like him. He soon looked away from the mirror before gently rolling up his sleeve, seeing blood had smeared on his arm and hoodie. He sighed, already used to this, *if Tommy hadn't interrupted then there would be a lot more blood* he thought, turning the tap on whilst grabbing some tissue. He wet the tissue before gently going over the cut, hissing at the pain before exhaling deeply. It didn't take long at all for it to stop bleeding until he was done. He rolled his blooded sleeve back down and walked back to his and Wilbur's room. He walked in, closing the door behind him before sitting back down in front of Wilbur.

"Are you ok?" Wilbur asked, noticing the sudden numb look on Technos face. Techno nodded even though they both knew that he wasn't. "Do you have a spare hoodie?" Wilbur asked. Techno looked over at his bag, not seeing a hoodie anywhere before he shook his head. "You can borrow one of mine" Wilbur smiled at him before standing up and going over to his wardrobe. "Y-you don't have to y'know I-it's fine" Techno stuttered. "I insist" Wilbur smiled politely before placing a hoodie down in front of Techno and pretending to do something else so Techno felt comfortable taking his hoodie off. And he did, Techno quickly switched hoodies, putting his blooded one back in his bag before sitting back. "Better?" Wilbur said with a small smile, looking back at him. Techno nodded, returning the smile. "T-thank you" he stuttered, feeling a bit better. "Its no problem at all" Wilbur said, continuing the smile before going over and sitting on his own bed. "Anything you wanna talk about?" He asked as they both faced each other whilst sitting against the walls.

Techno shook his head. "Got any questions?". Techno shook his head again. "It's getting slightly late, imma go put Tommy to bed so dad doesn't have to deal with his gremlin ways, I'll be right back" Wilbur laughed before leaving. "Ok" Techno said quietly, watching as he left. "-Can't I just be home schooled?!" He suddenly heard from the next room. "Nope, now get ready for bed, school tomorrow". "Ok dad". A door was soon heard being shut before another one opened. Wilbur walked back into the bedroom before sitting back down. "I don't know about you but I think I'm gonna go to sleep too, I've kinda got school tomorrow unfortunately" Wilbur said, getting up to get dressed into his nightwear, getting his clothes before speaking, "I'll be right back" he said before going to the bathroom to get dressed, soon returning back and putting his original clothes away. "Do you have anything you can change into for the night?" Wilbur asked, looking at Techno. "Y-yes, I'll go do that now" Techno stuttered, getting his own clothes from his bag before going to the bathroom himself and getting changed, giving Wilbur his hoodie back.

"Oh, you can have the hoodie if you want, it's an old hoodie and I don't really care about it anymore" Wilbur said, refusing to take it. "A-are you sure?" Techno said confusedly. "Yeah sure, you can keep it" Wilbur smiled, watching as a smile formed on Technos face. "T-thank you" Techno smiled before putting the hoodie neatly in his bag and sitting on his bed. "I set an alarm on my phone for the morning so if it wakes you up then I apologise" Wilbur laughed awkwardly before putting his phone down on his bedside table. "I-it's fine" Techno said, slowly getting comfortable in bed. Wilbur left the room for a bit before returning again, "was just saying goodnight to everyone and making sure dad was going to sleep soon too" he said before turning off all the lights and getting into bed himself. "Just gonna ask one last time, are you actually ok? Because if you're not then don't be afraid to tell me, we can work it out together if you'd like so you won't feel alone" Wilbur said in the darkness. Techno didn't know why but he wanted to tell Wilbur everything. *"Tell him" "don't tell him" "E"* the voices said.

"You've gone silent" Wilbur said, waking him back up. "S-sorry, I was just thinking" Techno stuttered. "It's alright, do you wanna go shopping tomorrow with me? We can get you some new clothes and since I don't have many myself, my wardrobe isn't full at all, meaning we could share it if you'd like instead of having everything in a bag" Wilbur offered. "I-it's fine" Techno said quietly, wishing he hadn't said that. "You sure? Do you still wanna come shopping with me though? After school of cause, It'll be fun I promise" Wilbur asked. "Ok" Techno said, a smile forming on his face. "Ok nice! We can go when I'm back from school" he continued. "O-ok" Techno stuttered again accidentally, "s-sorry I don't know why I keep s-stuttering". "It's no problem at all don't worry, I don't mind it at all" Wilbur reassured him, "you're fine". "T-thank you" Techno said quietly. "No problem. Imma get some sleep now, goodnight Techno" Wilbur said. "Goodnight" Techno said back before silence set upon them both.

Techno laid awake for quite a while, staring up at the ceiling before realising he had left the blade. He quickly sat up, not seeing it anywhere. "Are you alright? I can hear you moving about" Wilbur said. "Y-yes sorry, just looking for something" Techno said nervously. "What're you looking for?" Wilbur asked. "Erm... the- thing" Techno said as his thoughts started running. *Tommy took it, Wilbur took it, where is it. This isn't good at all, the thing is covered in blood!*. "Are you looking for the fidget?" Wilbur asked confusedly before realising, "I put the blade back in your bag if that's what you're looking for". Techno sighed in relief as he slowly laid back down. "You know you can talk to me about that if you want or maybe need, it's ok" Wilbur said calmly.
"T-thank you" Techno said shakily. "No problem, are you ok?" Wilbur asked more. "Y-yes, sorry, we can sleep now". "Ok, goodnight" Wilbur said again, hearing a shaky 'goodnight' back.

I feel I'm rushing this a bit but Idrc at the same time so... yay

1303 words

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