"Oh no"

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Rain suddenly splatted loudly against the windows, waking Wilbur up from his sleep. The only source of light was the moon shining through the windows. Wilbur was about to go back to sleep until he heard fast breathing from across the room where Techno slept. "Techno?" He whispered, debating about getting up to check on him. He finally decided as he slowly got up before quietly going over to Techno. He was sweating and shaking quite a bit as he held onto the blankets for dear life. *Night terrors* Wilbur thought as he gently shook Techno whilst quietly whispering his name.

Techno suddenly shot up with a loud gasp as he looked around the room fast until he noticed Wilbur, clear fear in his wide eyes. "It's alright it's ok" Wilbur quietly said in a whispering tone as he slowly sat down in front of Techno before crossing his legs. "It was just a nightmare I promise, you're safe now, you're ok, see, I'm right here" Wilbur reassured him with a smile. Techno went to speak but nothing came out until his heavy breathing continued. Wilbur noticed it all, "it's all ok, you don't need to say anything it's alright" he said. "Wanna hold my hand?" He asked as he slowly held his hand out to Techno, watching as he flinched slightly. "It's alright" Wilbur whispered to him as they both very slowly joined hands. "There, see, everything's fine, I'm not going to hurt you in any way I promise, you're completely fine here" he kept reassuring him. "I-I'm so so so sorry I-I'm doing everything w-wrong" Techno cried. "You haven't done anything wrong I promise, it's ok, ok? You're ok" Wilbur smiled at him.

"I'm sorry" Techno cried, his voice getting higher. "It's alright come here" Wilbur said as he pulled Techno into a tight but not suffocating hug as he felt Techno hold on tightly to him. "It's alright, you're ok now I promise, it was just a nightmare, you're ok now" Wilbur whispered to him, slowly rubbing his back for more comfort "shhhhhh it's ok, try and relax, I've got you now it's ok, I'm right here". Techno nodded as he quietly cried into Wilbur's shoulder. Even though he was in pain, he liked this, he liked the hug and the comforting yet reassuring words. "It's all ok now, I've got you" Wilbur continued to whisper, feeling Techno start to calm down. "You're completely safe don't worry, you have nothing to worry about ok?" He reassured him quietly, "I'm right here for you, I'm here to protect you if you need it ok?". Techno nodded, hiccuping slightly due to crying hard. "Listen to the rain outside, I find it calming" Wilbur said with a small smile. Techno nodded as he closed his eyes and listened to the rain rushing into the windows and landing hard on the roof.

Techno's breathing slowed down a lot and his body had stopped shaking, he felt calm again and in a way, he didn't want this to end, he finally felt safe again. "Do you wanna talk about the nightmare?" Wilbur asked calmly, feeling Techno shake his head with a quiet sorry. "That's completely fine don't worry, you're ok now, you're safe". "T-thank you so much, for everything" Techno said, half whispering. "It's no problem at all, I'm glad I found you" Wilbur smiled, feeling Techno smile against his shoulder. "My heart feels w-warm, is that bad?" Techno said, his heart felt weird as did his stomach, he didn't know what the feeling was but it felt nice in a way. "Don't think so, I think it's just the feeling of feeling cared for" Wilbur said calmly. "Oh, ok" Techno said, slightly confused, he had never felt this before.

"Come on, let's go back to sleep" Wilbur said as he separated from the hug. "O-ok" Techno stuttered, clear nervousness in his voice. "It's alright, if you feel scared then tell me, I won't make fun of you or anything like that I promise" Wilbur said with a small smile. Techno nodded. "Are you ok?" He asked, watching Techno nod again. "Are you sure? There's still tears in your eyes" Wilbur pointed out. "I-I'm fine" Techno stuttered as he wiped his eyes. "It's ok, I'm right here if you need me ok". "T-thank you". "It's no problem at all, want me to hold your hand until you fall asleep?" Wilbur asked. Techno shook his head, *that's just embarrassing* he thought. "Ok, I'll see you in the morning or after school" Wilbur smiled as he went back over to his own bed. Techno suddenly felt lost except he didn't know why, "yeah" he sighed, lying down and facing the wall.

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