Secrets Told

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"C-can I try again" he asked, clearly very nervous and worried. "Yes of cause, take your time" Wilbur smiled. "Ok" Techno whispered, taking another deep breath before starting. "S-so this one home, t-there was only 1 guy there, no wife no kids no nothing, just him and I guess he-he only wanted to adopt so he could use me as a slave, I-I didn't have a bedroom, I-I slept on a constantly damp and covered-in-beer sofa, he w-wouldn't let me eat or drink or do anything a normal person would do s-so I had to do it all whilst he was out gambling, s-sometimes he would bring back 'bitches' and they were s-so loud I couldn't sleep, speaking of sleep I barely got any of it" he quickly explained before breathing and continuing.

"I had to hide my clothes under the sofa s-so they wouldn't get covered in beer and whatever else was on that sofa, I-I never brushed my teeth until he was out, there was a spare brush that I used, it was very broken and bristled and I swear didn't even work, the smell of the house at first was horrid, I was sure he murdered people, I soon got used to the smell anyway and ignored it. After about a-a year of all of that, one of his 'bitches' noticed how the house was and noticed me, she called the police and took me home with her, she had a sister and the sister took care of me, she-she gave me good clothes and food a-and made sure I was ok, I-I never caught her name though" Techno finished explaining, on the verge of breaking down again.

"A whole year of torture, Techno I'm so sorry you had to go through that, how old were you?" Wilbur asked, clearly worried about him. "12 I think? S-sorry" Techno stuttered before sighing, "sorry sorry I shouldn't have said all that it was selfish I'm sorry, I-I deserved it all anyway" he quickly said whilst shaking his head. "Techno look at me" Wilbur said calmly as they both slowly made eye contact, "no one deserves anything close to that, no one, not you, not me, no one ok?" He said as Techno nodded with another sigh. "S-sorry I should stop" he said, his voice getting quieter and quieter. "It's ok, talk all you want, that can be a very traumatic experience Techno, especially for a 12 year old" Wilbur said. "I'm not traumatised?" Techno said confusedly. There was a bit of silence before Wilbur spoke, "I'm gonna let you think about that even though we both know the true answer".

"I-I'm sorry" Techno said quietly. "You don't need to keep apologising, you haven't done anything wrong, you have never done anything wrong" Wilbur reassured him as he watched tears flood Techno's eyes again before he faced away. "S-sorry" Techno whispered. "It's ok-" "Sorry sorry" Techno repeated as he started saying it again and again. "Techno hey" Wilbur said as he crawled onto the bed before turning Techno around and bringing him into a comforting hug. "It's ok it's ok, shhhhhhh" he said, slowly rubbing Technos back to help calm him down. Techno cried into Wilbur's shoulder, "I'm sorry" he whispered one last time. "You're ok, you're safe now ok, you're free to do whatever you want whenever you want, you're free here, you're completely ok I promise" Wilbur calmly said as he started to feel Techno shake as his breathing started speeding up.

"Hey hey it's ok, breathe Techno, breathe, deep breaths, breathe slowly in through your nose and slowly out through your mouth, we're gonna do it together ok?" He explained slowly so Techno understood, he nodded. "Ok, deep breath in through your nose... now long breath out through your mouth... now again deep breath in... and out" Wilbur instructed, repeating himself again and again until he felt Techno calm down. "You're ok, I've got you now ok, I've got you, I'm gonna take care of you ok? So are Phil and Tommy, we're all here for you, you're not alone anymore, you've got us" he said, containing his worry. "W-Wilbur I'm sorry" Techno cried quietly. "You don't need to be sorry you haven't done anything wrong, you haven't done anything wrong, none of this is your fault and you didn't deserve any of it. You deserve a good home with people who care about you and now you've got that, you've finally made it, you're going to be ok".

"Thank you" Techno cried through a whisper. "It's alright" Wilbur whispered back, "you're ok". The 2 sat there in each other's comfort until they got called down for dinner. "Are you ready to go down or do you still need time?" Wilbur asked as he sat back against the headboard whilst Techno sat hunched in front of him. "I-I don't know I'm sorry" Techno sniffled, he had calmed down but was still crying slightly. "Ok it's ok, I'll go down and tell them you're having some feelings and that you'll be down in a few minutes ok?" Wilbur said with a small smile. Techno nodded before watching Wilbur stand up and start walking. "I won't be long I promise" Wilbur smiled at him before leaving the room. Techno zoned out as all the feelings came back. He felt like stabbing himself, cutting himself, he felt like dying, he wanted to die... *do I want to die?* he thought, suddenly unsure.

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