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*This is it* Techno thought, standing in front of a mirror in his room after having a shower with new clothes for the day. He tried to make himself look as nice as possible and that meant, brushing his hair so it wasn't all messy like usual and actually trying with his outfit. Even though it was the plain baggy hoodie and the normal black jeans, he still liked it and that's basically all he had anyway.

"You coming down for breakfast?" Wilbur suddenly asked from the door. Techno nodded before following him downstairs. "Morning boys" Phil said as they both walked into the kitchen. Wilbur went over to the half asleep Tommy with his head laying in his arms and shook him. "Wake up bitch" he said in a deep voice. "Leave me alone" Tommy mumbled, clearly very tired. "Are you ok?" Wilbur asked with his hands still on Tommys shoulders. Tommy nodded. "Tired?". Tommy nodded once again. "Understandable" Wilbur shrugged before sitting next to him. Techno sat next to Wilbur, making him sit at the side of the table. "You guys might have to be quick with eating this because Tommy woke up late" Phil said, placing 3 bowls in front of them all. They all nodded before starting, Techno only having a few bites before deciding it was enough. "Is that all?" Phil asked, concern hidden in his voice. "Y-yes" Techno stuttered. "Ok" Phil smiled at him before walking away, soon returning to tell them to all get a move on.

They all got up and got their bags before leaving, Techno borrowing one of Wilbur's old bags. Tommy sat in the front whilst Wilbur and Techno sat in the back with Phil obviously driving. Wilbur noticed Technos hands were shaking a lot, soon remembering what he had brought with him. "Techno" he said, grabbing the fidget from his pocket before handing it to him. "T-thank you" Techno said quietly, quickly fidgeting with it to try and get himself to calm down. "It's alright, you'll be fine" Wilbur whispered to him as Techno continued to stare out the window before he nodded, showing he had heard him.

They all soon arrived, Techno saw a medium sized school with a big gate in front of it. *The normal boring looking school of cause* he thought, putting the fidget toy in his pocket before they all got out the car. He then watched as Phil drove off, *let the show begin* he thought with a sigh. "Ok first things first, we need to go and get you a time table" Wilbur said as they both watched Tommy wonder off to a small brunette and a quite tall person with half and half coloured hair. "Just this way" Wilbur said as he lead them both to the office. "Can we have Techno's time table please" Wilbur spoke for him. "One sec" the reception lady said, making them wait quite a few seconds before she grabbed a piece of paper and handed it to them silently. "Thanks" Wilbur said before they both walked off. "Ok let's see" he said, looking at the paper, "you have the whole day with me except for 2nd period which is English" he said, watching as Technos face dropped. "It's fine, you'll be ok" Wilbur reassured him as the bell went. Techno jumped before covering his ears, only now noticing the bell was right above them.

Techno despised loud noises, it made him instantly annoyed. "Are you ok?" Wilbur asked once it stopped. Techno nodded, sighing in anger. "It's ok, you're fine, c'mon we've got maths first, it's up this way" Wilbur said, leading them both up stairs before they finally reached maths. "This one here" he smiled before they both walked in and sat in the middle row. "This is one of the annoying teachers that scream just because they can but don't worry, just treat it like it's nothing ok?" Wilbur whispered to him. "O-ok" Techno whispered back. "HELLO class!" The teacher yelled. *I see* Techno thought, jumping from her sudden screams, hearing at least 2 kids behind him chuckling to themselves. *Are they laughing at me?* he thought nervously as he got out the fidget toy and hid it under the table before using it. The more the class went on, the more Techno felt his breathing get heavier and heavier but he wasn't panicking, he just felt more claustrophobic than anything.

The class soon ended as the teacher yelled them a wonderful goodbye. "This way to English" Wilbur sighed as they walked out the classroom and went down to English. "This is you're classroom and this is mine, I'll wait for you if I'm out first" Wilbur smiled at him, waving to him before going into his classroom that was opposite Technos. *Welp... here we go* Techno thought as he quickly went in before sitting in the middle row against a wall. He was instantly having a hard time focussing as he zoned out almost constantly, barely doing any work. He said a very shaky "here" to the register, hating it completely. Half way through the lesson, he heard his name being said. "Erm, Techno was it?" The teacher had said. Techno nodded, already completely frozen as he felt everyone look at him. He instantly felt like he was about to panic as the teacher spoke more, "can you tell me the answer to number 3?".

The whole class went silent as little giggles were heard behind Techno, he knew they were laughing at him, they must've been. "I don't think she knows" he heard behind him.
*She?!* he thought confusedly. "Techno are you a girl or a boy?" The teacher asked. "B-" Techno stuttered, feeling incredibly embarrassed. "Boy?" The teacher questioned, watching as Techno nodded. "Ok then" the teacher said before picking someone else to answer the question. Techno hadn't realised it but he was definitely panicking, his whole body way shaking and his breathing was quite rapid, he was surprised no one had noticed. Everything was soon becoming too much as the class got louder and louder, he covered his ears tightly with his hands but it wasn't helping. Without thinking at all, he grabbed his bag before standing up and very quickly walking out the room. He walked a bit before turning back around and sitting down next to his classrooms door. He brought his knees up to his chest before hiding his face in his arms, desperately trying to calm himself down.

"Techno" he suddenly heard, the voice was familiar as he looked up and saw Wilbur crouched down in front of him. "H-how did you k-know?" Techno asked very shakily. "I saw you from the little window in the door, you walked that way before I guess coming back" Wilbur explained. "Enough about that, it's alright now" he said with a small smile of reassurance. "I-I'm sorry i-it was all too much and l-loud and-" "it's ok it's alright, you don't need to explain yourself you're completely fine don't worry, none of this is your fault" Wilbur said, cutting him off. "A-are you sure?" Techno asked, clearly worried and slightly frightened. "Yes I'm sure it's ok, I've noticed lately that hugs calm you down a lot so" Wilbur smiled before opening his arms. Techno didn't mean to but he couldn't help it as he flew into Wilbur's arms. "It's alright, I'm right here now, you're ok, you're completely safe don't worry" Wilbur said calmly as he gently cradled Techno in his arms, helping him calm down more.

"I-I'm sorry I-I don't know why I d-did that" Techno cried into his shoulder quietly. "It's alright I promise, no one's mad at you, no one's going to hurt you, ok?" Wilbur said, keeping his tone calm as he felt Techno nod. "Ok, it's alright, you can relax now, everything's calm and quiet again, you can breathe, you don't need to feel suffocated anymore" Wilbur said slowly in a whispering kind of tone. "T-thank you" Techno whispered shakily back. "It's alright, you're ok now" Wilbur said clearly yet quietly. They both sat there hugging until the door next to them both opened, revealing Technos English teacher. "Detention for leaving the class" he said before heading back into the class and closing the door behind him. Techno stared at the door, clear tears in his eyes as a tear dropped and his breathing started to pick up again, *A DETENTION?! SHIT PLEASE NO Phil is gonna be mad at me and then he's gonna kick me out and then-* "Techno" he heard, breaking him away from his thoughts as he looked Wilbur in the eyes.

"It's ok I promise, a DT is nothing and plus I've got one too for leaving my class" Wilbur smiled at him. "B-but Phil-" "Dad won't be mad at all, he'll completely understand why we both got a DT, it's ok" Wilbur said, cutting him off once again. Techno nodded before being pulled back into the gentle yet comforting hug. "Breathe and try to stay calm, it's the best thing you can do" Wilbur said calmly. Techno nodded as he rested his head on Wilbur's shoulder and closed his eyes before focussing on his breathing. "You're doing very well I'm very proud of you don't worry" Wilbur said calmly, feeling Techno start to break down again, "it's alright, don't hold in tears, it hurts and only makes things worse". Techno nodded as a few tears dropped before he stopped and focussed back on taking deep breaths. "You're doing good, it's all ok, you have nothing to worry about" Wilbur continued to reassured him until he was calm.

Technos breathing was still slightly shaky but it was a lot better compared to before. Wilbur held Techno until he knew he was ok. "Want me to let go?" He asked, feeling Techno shrug. "It's ok to say no don't worry, I won't be mad at you, no one will ever be mad at you for saying no" Wilbur said calmly. Techno nodded. "It's alright" Wilbur whispered. They both held each other until the bell rang, making Techno jump. "Are you ok?" Wilbur asked again as he separated from the hug and helped Techno up whilst also grabbing both their bags. "Y-yes, t-thank you so much" Techno stuttered, grabbing his bag from Will before following him down to the yard. *Break-time at last* Techno thought as they both soon stopped and stood almost in the middle of the yard.

Just a tiny bit of A-N-G-S-T next chapter...

1781 words

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