School... again

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Techno sighed, standing in front of the mirror with fresh clothes on after waking up early to shower. *School... perfect* he thought before going into Tommy's room, seeing he was still asleep. He quietly went over to him before crouching down in front of him. "Tommy" he whispered, no response. "Hey Tom" he whispered, gently shaking him. Tommy slowly opened his eyes, seeing Techno in front of him before he sat up and stretched, "what day is it?" He asked tiredly. "Monday" Techno answered, watching as Tommy looked at him with a nervous look. "I promise you I will look out for you as much as I can, you'll be ok" Techno smiled. "Thank you" Tommy nodded. "It's no problem at all, I'll leave you to get dressed" Techno said before walking over to the door, stopping as he heard his name, he turned around and looked at Tommy, "yeah?".

"About what hap-happened last night with the thing" Tommy said as he started fidgeting with his hands. "What's up?" Techno asked, walking back over to him. "I erm, I-I wasn't thinking clearly and I'm-" "don't apologise, you don't need to it's ok I promise, you don't need to explain yourself, you're completely fine" Techno smiled reassuringly before ruffling his hair and walking away. "Thank you for-for stopping me and understanding" Tommy said, carrying on. "It's alright, if you ever feel like that again or your thoughts are yelling at you to do it then come to me and I'll help ok?" Techno said, feeling like he was repeating himself but it didn't matter, as long as Tommy knew for sure that he was there for him. "Thank you" Tommy said again. "It's fine now get dressed and come downstairs, you'll be ok" Techno smiled before leaving and going downstairs.

"Good morning mate" Phil smiled his normal happy smile whilst Wilbur sat looking dead at the table. "Morning" Techno smiled back before sitting next to Wilbur. "Hi" he whispered to Wilbur. "Hi" Wilbur said back, his voice all croaky and deep. "You alright?" Techno asked as Wilbur nodded. "You?" He said back. "Yeah, I'll live". Phil soon put 4 plates out on the table before sitting down himself and starting on his food, Techno and Wilbur doing the same. Techno had 2 bites before having enough. "2 more then I'll leave you" Wilbur whispered very quietly to him. "Fine" Techno sighed. "Did anyone wake Tom up?" Phil asked. "I did" Techno said, *"Does he need help?" "Is he ok?" "Go check"* he listened, agreeing with them all. "I'll go check on him, I'm done anyway" he said before standing up. "You sure you're done?" Phil asked, hiding his concern. "Yeah" Techno nodded before walking upstairs and knocking on Tommy's door.

"One second" he heard, waiting a few seconds before Tommy opened the door. "You ok?" Techno asked. "Yes sorry" Tommy said, "are you?" He asked back. "Yeah I'm fine, you ready?" Techno smiled. "I guess" Tommy shrugged before following Techno downstairs and eating his food.

(Skipping to school because I'm tired and impatient). Techno watched as Phil drove off again before he felt Tommy tap his arm. "Over there" he whispered to him, looking in a direction. Techno looked over to where he was looking, seeing the group full of boys eyeing them. "It's alright, if you're scared then you can stay with us ok?" He smiled at him. "I'm not scared" Tommy said, looking up at Techno. "You can admit to being scared y'know" Techno laughed, watching as Wilbur started to walk over to them after sorting out something with his bag. "What're you guys talking about?" He asked. "Where my fucking friend group is that's what we're talking about" Tommy joked as he started looking around, "oh, they're right there" he laughed, seeing Tubbo jumping and waving in their direction. "I've never met any of your friends before" Techno said. "Wanna come over and meet 'em?" Tommy asked as both Techno and Wilbur agreed before they all went over to the friend group of 2 now 3.

"Hey guys, these are my brothers" Tommy smiled. *Brothers?* Techno thought, *me?*. "We know Wilbur" Tubbo laughed before looking at Techno, "but who're you? You have cool hair I like you" he instantly said, making everyone laugh. "I'm Techno" Techno introduced himself. "Nice to meet you" the tall boy said, standing next to Tubbo, "I'm Ranboo". "You both have cool names I like it" Techno smiled. "Thank you" the 2 said, Tubbo saying it a little more excitedly. "You're all so tall this is so unfair, especially you and Wil, what the fuck" Tubbo said, looking at Ranboo as they all laughed. "You're just small" Tommy laughed. "Hush you" Tubbo joked. "He's not wrong" Ranboo shrugged. "But Tubbo, tall people are more likely to die the youngest there for, you will outlive us all" Techno said. "Oh true! Never mind fuck you all" Tubbo joked as they all laughed again before the bell went.

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