Sisters Before Misters

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The unbelievable thought of Brianna going on a date with Draco didn't leave my mind. I'm concerned Hermione's starting to notice as we walked in the Great Hall. Ron, the twins and Seamus and Dean were already seated with their lunches. It's not that Draco isn't good enough for her, I know her better than anyone. Brianna isn't always the ice cold, nasty, crow everyone sees. She is very sensitive and insecure. I sighed sadly, sitting next to Hermione. She put her fork down and huffed. "Ok! What's going on?" She asked. I breathed nervously. "What do you mean?" I asked.
She sighed. "Skylar, we both know I'm not stupid. You've been acting weird for two minutes." She said in a serious tone. Ron looked around confusedly. "Where is Brianna?" He muffled through his mouth of food. Seamus smirked. "Is this about the date with Draco Malfoy?" He teased. My jaw dropped. "Seamus!" I panicked. Everyone's jaws dropped and Hermione covered her mouth in shock. Ron pretended to spit something nasty out. "Bloody hell! Brianna on a date with Malfoy!" He said disgustedly. Hermione cupped my shoulders and inhaled a deep breath. "Sky, tell me is this true? Why would she go on a date with a Slytherin?" She demanded. I playfully rolled my eyes and began making my plate. "What's important is nobody could know they're going out. I think Malfoy's reputation will be ruined for next years to come." I said. Dean scoffed. "Duh! She would be disliked by her housemates for dating a Slytherin." He said. Hermione facepalmed her forehead. "This is madness." She mumbled. I nodded in agreement and drank my cup. "Honestly, I'm only thinking of her feelings. She is my little sister and she isn't always cold." I said. She held my hand from underneath the table. "Don't fret Sky. Hopefully Brianna will get over him soon. It's not like they're gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend." She assured. That thought made me shiver disgustedly. It surprisingly reminded me of someone else I know. Harry. "Where is Harry? Still at practice?" I asked. She almost spoke until the topic person of our conversation arrived. Brianna. She had the most huge glow on herself. Her long dark hair turned into a perfectly long braid, applied makeup, wore green-dot earrings. Half of the house table stared at her in shock. Some second year boys whistled flirtatiously. She smiled happily while making her way sit between me and Hermione. "G morning everyone." She said. We looked at her awkwardly. "Good morning." We muttered in unison.
Hermione cleared her throat. "Brianna! You look really dazzling! What's the occasion?" She asked, half-smiling. Ron looked down and giggled. She growled. He pretended to be confused. Brianna nodded her head no. "Nothing. I'm just in a really good mood right now." She lied. Her attention diverted to the Slytherin table. Draco winked at her. She madly blushed and created her lunch. On cue, Harry finally walked in. I breathed a breath of relief. Everyone saw him and smiled. "Hey Harry!" They said. He looked at Brianna's new look as if he entered the parallel universe. He sat between Ron and Seamus. "What's going on?" He whispered. Man, she'll kill me if I mention this to them. Ron raised an eyebrow. "Brianna- I cut him off by kicking his chin under the table. He yelped in slight pain. Dean and Seamus pretended they didn't know anything. Hermione managed to focus on eating while reading a book. Harry was even more confused. He raised an eyebrow and sighed. "Niff?" He whispered. Seriously? This day of all days to use my nickname? I pulled out my phone and written 'I'll tell you later in my room' on the notepad before showing him the screen. He nodded in understanding and started eating. I smiled. "How was Quidditch practice?" I asked. Harry returned the gesture. "Blimey good. You should've seen all the Beaters, Keepers and Chasers. They're really good." He told me. Sounds cool! He sighed. "You are allowed to come to practice. You know? Watch me play." He said shyly. My cheeks burned red. He wants me to watch him practice? That would be...well brilliant. I smiled sweetly. "Of course. When's the next practice?" I said. He smirked. "Tomorrow at 3. You're going to see greatness before you know it." He teased. I inhaled a deep breath and chuckled. "Same old cocky Harry." I joked. He scoffed, drinking his cup. "Me cocky? How rude Niffey." He joked. We laughed more. Brianna rolled her eyes annoyedly. "Cmon guys I just got here." She whined. We shrugged before sticking our tongues toward her. She huffed. Hermione low-key giggled.

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