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                9. Deep talk with husky eyes


I was drinking my usual morning coffee at the studio. I was answering to some emails, and the work has just started. Oliver was sitting across from me, he had one headphone on his other ear and apparently he was editing some photos. Lotta told us yesterday that her throat is hurting, so, she's sick now and is at home.
I was just taking a long sip of my coffee when Tuomas came out of his office. I quickly glanced at him, but for my bad luck, we had an eye contact. I stared at my computer's screen again and tried to be like everything was normal. And it was. Two days ago were those parties and I hate myself for being so.. smiling towards Tuomas. Maybe I gave him some hope or something.. god I hate myself.

"Freya, could you come for a second?" And my bad luck continues, Tuomas was asking for me. I looked at Oliver while I stood up, he just showed me one thumb up. I lightly gave him one nod and started to walk towards Tuomas' office.
He was standing there in front of his table, leaning against it with his hands while he stared at me under his eyebrows. I closed the door behind me and decided to stood there. It was silent first.
"I would like to take you out. Somewhere to eat." He told me with a lot of confidence. I tried so hard not to roll my eyes.
"Tuomas.. I don't think it's a good idea." I sighed and shook my head. He didn't like what I said. He frowned.
"Oh.. well.. what you like to do? A bar? Drinking?" He suggested. I just wanted to leave.

"Not really a fan. I have other methods to.. relax." I explained. That's true. I have one bad habit, I haven't told it to anyone. And Tuomas doesn't have to know either. It's my little secret.. getting high.
I do it rarely, but when I do.. it's like I'm dancing on clouds.
"You don't want to see me, I understand. But those little smiles and smirks you gave me at the parties..." He started to grin a little bit, I just pressed my lips together and tried to act normal.
Yeah, I'm not proud of it. Stupid me.
He then dared to take couple steps towards me, his dark blue collared shirt had two buttons open, so his chest was showing more. He had been doing that for a while, and Oliver tells me that he doesn't do it when I'm not around. My back was pressed against the door.
"You like that rockstar wannabe? What was his name again.. Joel?" He then asked curious. I frowned, and kinda hoped that Joel would come somewhere to save me. Wait.. what? No. I can handle this by my own. I didn't answer to him.
"Yeah.. you like bad guys huh? You know.. I bet he's not as bad as I can be." He murmured, his actions made me.. confused even more. Why he tries so hard? I told him I'm not interested.
Then his brother's, Juuso's, words started to spin around in my head. That I should be careful.
Because he's ambitious and doesn't give up easily.
Is that all?

"What do you mean?" I asked nervous, he smirked.
He looked me up and down, I almost felt his eyes seeing me undressed.
He came even closer, I slowly put my hand on the door handle. He saw it.
"I can be whatever you want. In the bedroom.. in the shower.. or.. right behind my back.. at my working table." He quietly told me, he lowered his tone. He sounded so determined. It made me just look at him eyes wide open.
I opened the door quickly and left his office. He gave me one last smirk.
His words didn't make me blush, but made me nervous. Who the fuck that man really is?
Is he here just to fuck me? Because his brother told me that this industry doesn't interest him at all.
He has been here six months and for the whole time he has been so flirty. But this was the first time he suggested me such a thing. This man is toxic as hell.

Oliver looked at me confused as I walked back and sat down in front of my computer. I was a bit sweaty.
"You ok?" Oliver questioned when I had been silent for few minutes, only staring at my coffee.
I lifted my eyes up to him.
"I am.. I think." I mumbled, trying to continue my work.

In the afternoon when I was packing my stuff and leaving the studio, Tuomas was leaving as well, he just left his office and locked it. I don't really get it why he does that, none of us cares what's inside there and he has said to us that he keeps the most important files at home. Oliver left just couple minutes ago.
But the front door got open suddenly, I turned around to see who there is.
And I stared at that man confused. Why he's here?
He landed his eyes on me.
"We are just closing." Tuomas said while walking towards that man. I took my bag and looked at him.
"I know. I just came to pick her up." He pointed at me with his car keys.
Tuomas looked at me in confusion while I took steps towards that blonde one.
"Yeah. See you in two days." I looked at Tuomas quickly before leaving the studio with Joel.

We hopped in to his car and he started driving.
"What is this? How did you know I was there today? And why you did this?" I asked, making a small chuckle.
"Why did you hop in then?" He asked back, but he didn't look at me. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. He looked at me before focusing on the road again.
"I felt that weird energy last time when we saw, between you and Tuomas. I wanted to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." He explained. I was impressed.
"I thought you don't care about me." I said, looking outside of the window.
Joel chuckled.
"Yeah, then why I sent someone to make sure that you will get home safely, because you got mad at me?"
I bit my lower lip. Yes, how did that go? Niko and I.. kissed. But we, or I, ended it before it was too late.
Because I saw his eyes when I closed mine.
And now that man who has the most beautiful eyes in the world, sits next to me. If I would say that to him, he would get too proud. But I smiled a bit by my own to the thought of what smirk he would have in that moment.

When we arrived to my house and to the parking lot, I didn't get up from the car. I just sat there, zoning out. Joel was waiting, but he didn't talk. Maybe he knew I had something in my mind.
I felt nervous, I didn't know if I should say anything to him. We're not that close but.. I had to tell to someone.
"Tuomas got a bit.. close today." I finally had the courage to talk. I was playing with the rings in my fingers while I just stared forward.
"What do you mean?"
I swallowed and opened my mouth a bit to continue, but I felt so nervous.
"He.. asked that do I like you. Then he.. said that he can be a bad guy as well." I talked with my unsure voice. I slowly moved my head to the left to look at Joel. He was frowning. I thought he would smirk or something, but he isn't that stupid after all. He clearly wanted me to continue, he looked like it.
"He came closer and.. told me that he can be whatever I want.. in the bedroom.. shower or.. on top of his desk..." I continued. I was a bit scared, it was clearly heard from my voice. Joel shook his head and he looked mad, but also worried towards me.

"I should say couple words to him." He sounded so mad. I shook my head in panic.
"No.. no.. don't. I can handle it by my own. He just doesn't understand that I'm not interested." I told him. Then Joel just stared at me with those freaking blue eyes. Like husky's eyes. I stared at him back, I couldn't look away.
"Let's make a deal. I pick you up from the studio anytime when you're there. Maybe he gets it slowly." He suggested. Again, his words and actions suprised me.
"Gets what?" I frowned in confusion. He stayed silent for a second. But our eye contact didn't break. I felt like we even blinked at the same time.
"That a asshole like him doesn't have a chance on you." His tone was a bit raspier this time. It made shivers to my body.

"Why you're so nice suddenly?" I questioned quietly.
I saw him switching gazes between my both eyes, and quickly he looked at my lips as well.
"I don't want you to feel like that I'm a total piece of shit who's arrogant and.. a bad human." He looked away from me and he stared at his left hand that was resting on top of the steering wheel.
"People talk.. they talk behind my back.. bad things. I don't care, I really don't..." He started to explain nervously. But I cut him off.
"It's okay to feel bad about such a things. And with me you can be yourself. Don't act and.. don't lie. That's all I ask from anyone." I comforted him.
It was a bit weird that suddenly we have a deep talk, but it made me feel better about him. And I felt like he was relaxed enough to tell me something like that.
He looked at me again.
"I do my best." He said.
I smiled and nodded. But again, we just sat there in silence, just staring each other.

I had an idea in my head. Don't know if it was a wise one. But at least I could ask.
"Do you have any bad habits?" I looked at my hands, and then slowly my gaze was going back to him.
He was grinning, and he looked around, thinking.
"Uhm.. I smoke sometimes." He shrugged his shoulders. I started smirking.
"Do you.. smoke weed?" I raised my other eyebrow. His face was glorious to see.

"Do you?" He asked amused. I nodded and chuckled.
He was suprised, clearly.
"We can smoke it if you want. Just to relax and.. talk." I suggested. His smirk was growing, and he took the car keys out of the hole. He looked at me then, and gave me a small nod.

Third chapter this week! Next one is coming in monday.
Also if there's younger ones, under 18, please don't do drugs, smoke or drink beer.
Be responsible<3 don't ruin your mind and body so early. Better if you wouldn't ruin at all.
There's much better ways to have fun, don't try to impress anyone. It's not cool.
Oh how many comments there is at the chapter eight, so many you guys were suprised and happy that Eevi is pregnant!
Don't worry, this story doesn't end to the weddings. It's only a beginning.
Stay safe and strong, luv ya🖤

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