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         37. Old lovers


I was walking towards mine and Oliver's photography studio, today I wouldn't have any photoshoots or anything. I'll just check on Oliver that how he's doing. I was just two meters away of the front door when my phone started ringing in my jacket's pocket.
With my freezed hand I tried to dig it from there, but it seemed to be harder than I thought, so I had to stop. I struggled to get it out, and then I dropped it to the ground, straight to snow. Cursing I kneeled and grabbed it.
"Fuck this technology..." I mumbled by myself as I checked that who was calling. I pressed the green button as I saw Eevi's name on the screen.

"Hi." I answered as I fastly opened the door, I had to get inside before I would turn into a snowman or an icicle. Oliver was behind his desk with his laptop, he waved his hand to me and I smiled back.
"Girl! I know that this may sound weird.. but are you pregnant?" Eevi asked, sounding a bit panicked. My first reaction was a laugh, I shook my head.
"What? Not to my knowledge." I said amused. But Eevi didn't give up so easily.

"Are your periods late? Have you felt morning sickness?" She kept asking. I could almost believe her walking a small circle in small panic. I went to our kitchen to get some energy drink from the fridge.
"You sound like you're pregnant again by that paranoia." I smirked by myself as I also struggled to open the energy drink with one hand. I managed to do it and Oliver clapped his hands like it was a reward. I turned my head to look at him amused.
"I'm not pregnant!" Eevi sounded shocked by now.

"Neither am I! Literally, what's going on?" I had to laugh again. This conversation was so weird and out of nowhere. Eevi then sighed and stayed silent for few seconds. In the mean time I walked to Oliver and sat across from him. I took a sip of the energy drink.
"Nothing. Have a good day." She sounded like she was smiling.
"You too." I responded and then we quit the call.

I placed the phone on the table, Oliver had his other hand under his jaw as he studied my face smiling. I had to take larger sip this time and Oliver kept on staring at me suggestively. I frowned to him. Then he opened his mouth, like he waited for my reaction.
"Okay so.. I've been dating for the last three weeks." He hit his palms against the table, my eyes widened open as I was still drinking. I almost choked and Oliver had to hit my back couple of times. He laughed.
"Who is it?" I asked curiously, but I still had to cough couple of times. Oliver looked so wondering as he placed his hand under his jaw.

"He's one guy I met through my friend." He smiled. His shining eyes made me smile too and I leaned closer, maybe trying to read his thoughts that who's this lucky man. He looked at me up and down quickly, like giving me hint, so I started frowning again.
"It's Juuso." He spit it finally out and I gasped suprised but also happy. I leaned my back against the chair as I crossed my arms, I grinned by now.

"I freaking knew that you're into him. I saw it from your eyes when you first met with him." I hit his arm playfully, he chuckled and tried to hide his blush.
I'm so glad that he has found his happiness and love from Juuso, I've known Oliver for years and he's one of the most amazing guy I've ever met. And the best part is that Juuso is also a very good guy, after all what has happened, he deserves him.

My phone buzzed at the table, I quickly looked that who was texting me. The one who texted me wasn't a suprise, but what I just read was the thing that made me freeze and hold my breath for a second.

Gilbert: Turn your head and look outside

I took the phone to my hand, I was so confused. I glanced at Oliver and he was apparently texting to his new boyfriend. Quickly I turned myself in the chair towards the front door that was partly made of glass. The view made me gasp a little, I hid my mouth with my hand as I stood up. Gilbert was standing in the outside, smiling to me as he waved. I almost runned to the door, Oliver asked after me that what was going on. I didn't have time to explain.
I opened the door.
"Gilbert! Oh my god!" I stood on my toes as I wrapped my hands behind his neck. He laughed against my ear.
"Hi there. I wanted to suprise you." I missed his voice and everything so much. We haven't seen each other since I was in London at summer. He hasn't changed at all, still as handsome as he always is, except his hair was a bit longer than before. When we pulled apart, I studied his face and everything. He was smiling to me for the whole time as he was holding my hands in his.
"Well you definitely succeeded with that. Oh I'm so happy that you're here!" I smiled widely and almost cried from the happiness.

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