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              30. He's no longer my brother


I was slowly opening my eyes, I was laying down in somewhere. My head was hurting, and I also felt dizzy. I saw a bright light, and quickly I closed my eyes again. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, and I could feel multiply peoples presence. I heard noices.. talking.
"Be calm, you just fainted. Are you hurting from somewhere?" I heard a woman's voice next to me.
I opened my eyes again, and first it was a bit blurry. I looked straight to paramedic's eyes. She was lightly smiling to me as she checked my eyes with a small lamp. I blinked a few times.
"Head..." I mumbled weakly. She nodded.
"You got a small concussion. If you feel any nauseous, just tell me." She smiled and walked further away.
I was in an ambulance, laying on the bed. I felt someone else's presence too. I looked ahead and I saw Joel standing outside, looking at me with concerned face.

"You can come, I'll go talk to my working couple." The woman said to him as she jumped off from the ambulance, Joel nodded and fastly came to me. I couldn't smile, but I felt so much happiness when he was sitting next to me. He took my other hand to his, and he studied my face and body.
"Polices took Tuomas, one of them is waiting outside so he could talk to you." He explained quietly. Apparently we're on the studio's parking lot. I was staring at him into his eyes, but he wasn't looking at mine back. He looked so shocked and concerned.
"Joel..." I whispered. Immediately he moved his eyes to mine, and he waited for me to continue.
"Yeah? Are you feeling like throwing up? Should I-"

"No." I shook my head. He nodded, but was still confused.
He leaned a bit closer, and he stroked the top of my hand with his thumb. His touch made me calm down, and it felt so comforting right now. I don't need anyone else in my life than him. His blue eyes were locked to mine, and he wanted to make sure that I was feeling okay.
"Without your help.. he could've done.. bad things..." My voice was weak, and I was getting a bit emotional. All what happened was the worst I've experienced by far, nothing what my ex's has done can be compared by this night. And I don't know how I'll get over it how Tuomas tried to do everything that he would get me somehow. I didn't know he would go this far. He's fucking sick man.
Three of his last words to me came up to my mind.
"I raped her." Who? Who is this innocent woman he raped? When did it happen, does anyone know about it? I started feeling anxious, my throat felt like something was stuck in there. I swallowed, but it was hard.

"I've never been so scared like I was in that moment." Joel interrupted my thoughts. I turned my eyes back to him, and his gaze was on our hands. I then slided my hand away under his, and slowly I lifted it up to his cheek. He closed his eyes as he took a gentle grip of my wrist. This was an scary experience to him too. He was still so tense and nervous.
"Seeing you so panicked, crying.. blood was running out of your nose and Tuomas.. walking towards you and dragging you with him. I was so fucking angry and scared..." He whispered the last sentence. He lowered my hand from his face and interwined our fingers.

"Freya, could you give us your side of what happened, from the beginning?" Suddenly a middle aged police man was standing outside of the ambulance, I carefully sat up with Joel's help.
"Yes." I shortly said. Joel gave me a quick kiss on my head before leaving the ambulance. The policeman hopped in and sat in front of me, there where Joel just sat. I kept my hands tightly on the edge of the bed, I was feeling very anxious of talking about the whole situation. If I could, I would forget everything.
But it's very important to talk about it, firstly because they need an honest truth of what happened. Second of all, it's good for me to talk right now, and start the process of.. I don't know what process. Getting over it, get used to live with it?
What the fuck I'm supposed to do?

I told everything to him and he wrote down my every word, he was very calm and gave me time. It made me a little bit relieved when I told about it all. Apparently Tuomas got taken away to the police station right away when they got him.
They didn't need me to go to the station to give a statement or anything, it was all clear by now. I know three things clearly; I will get an restraining order towards Tuomas, I will dismiss myself from the photography studio and I will text to Oliver and Lotta about what happened.

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