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                    33. Giving in to the love


"Hey! Handsome!" I heard a woman's voice behind me, she sounded drunk. I just walked past a bar, it was about midnight. I was at Joonas' place for the whole day, we wrote some new music and had couple of interviews at day.
First I wanted to ignore her, but I decided to turn my head and look at her over my shoulder. She seemed to have other womens company as well, they all stared at me, cigarettes in their hands. I frowned, but they didn't see it. It was too dark, almost end of november. And it was freaking cold, I was shaking because of the weather and I just wanted to get home fast. Joonas offered that he would drive me home, but his car didn't start. So I had to go with a bus, and soon I would be home if I just keep walking.
I turned my head back, and I ignored them.
"You scared him away!" I heard, she sounded disappointed but also mad to her friend.
"Shut up." One shout whispered to her back.

"Are you having fun with your new girl? Is she worth it?" I heard her voice calling after me. I sighed, and the cold air made my breathe look like smoke.
It would take about ten minutes to home, so I started taking faster steps. I hid my hands to my jacket's pockets. It's weird how they recognized me, after all I had a hoodie on and my hair was hidden. I don't know this woman, but I'm sure that she knows me. God I hate these moments in my life.
"Does the ginger know that there's multiply better women out here? You could have anyone, but you chose her!" She kept shouting. I bit my teeth together, and I just let her words go in to my ear, and out from the other one. Sometimes I do and say things without thinking, and mostly I regret them later. Now it's time to shut my mouth. I won't say a thing. But I hope that they don't know where I live, or where we live. If they follow me, I will definitely call the police.
"He's not worth it." I heard her friends calming her down. I just let out a small chuckle by my own, these people are so crazy and desperate.

I closed the front door, and fastly I took off my shoes and jacket. The warm air hit my face and even bones, and it felt so comforting. I heard the tv on at the living room, and I know who's sitting there watching it. I was smiling as I made my way there.
She was laying there on the couch, watching some program and playing with the tv remote in her hands. Her eyes didn't even move to mine, I guess she was focusing on it. She's so cute when she's focusing, her brown eyes just follow every detail. She often plays with something, her hair, a hair loop or.. well, the tv remote, if she's watching tv.
Now her hair was on a messy bun, she had some black loose pants and one of my shirts on. I walked closer, and then I decided to crawl on top of her, smoothly. Then she looked at me smiling, and immediately she put the tv remote away and started to play with my hair. Yeah, she does that also if she's focusing on something. Plays with my hair.
"You came late darling." She said with soft tone as she kept on watching the tv. I layed my head on top of her chest, and I let out a long breathe out.

"Yeah.. freaking long and tiring day. Aren't you tired?" I mumbled. She was silent at first, and then I heard her yawning. It made me smile by my own.
"Kinda. Or.. I fucking am. But this interesting documentary is still taking a moment." She explained, sounding focused and tired at the same time. I closed my eyes, I listened to her heartbeat. It was calm and relaxed.

One week after we moved in to this house when I bought it. Everything went well, decorating was the longest progress. Freya wanted everything to be cozy and mostly here is brown, black and some other down to earth colors. It suits this house, and it suits to us. Everything seems to be perfect. We also decided together that we are dating, officially. It felt so good and relieved to say it. To be honest, it scared the hell out of me at first. I haven't been in a relationship for years, but with Freya everything feels natural. Like, this was something meant to be.
Freya decided to establish a company with Oliver, and now they have a photography studio. It's amazing. Oliver is a very good guy, funny and he clearly takes good care of Freya as a friend. I trust on him.
Freya is doing much better nowadays since she has a job and we have discussed about us.

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