Chapter 22: My back door gets furiously invaded

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(Y/n) (L/n) ~

My day took an unexpected turn when I had to run for my life.

After saying goodbye to Daigo – who went to join the Beyclub at school – I headed for the city market, my most favourite place to find peace. It was about one in the afternoon and the heat was definitely lesser as compared to yesterday. The summer was moving towards an end, and it'll only take a few days before the rainy season comes upon us.

But that didn't stop the Lord of Cuteness, or for that matter, anyone else at the Beyclub from lowering my chances at life. I had no idea why Valt, Rantaro, Daigo, Shu and Wakiya had collectively decided that my days on earth had been enough; but they've been chasing me for almost ten minutes now.

I don't even remember owing money to any of these.

Maybe they came to an agreement that I was too evil to exist so they should be responsible for saving the world by murdering me.

Though, why was Wakiya with them? And even Shu? Shu was also involved, even if he didn't seem as aggressive as the rest.

"STOP RUNNING," Valt screamed from behind.

"THEN STOP CHASING," I yelled back and fastened my pace. My whole life started flashing before my eyes. I silently wished to be anywhere but there, although my prayers weren't heard.

What the hell they even want from me?

We had far left the market behind, and were running through the city's residential areas now. Houses flashed by as I made my way towards god knows where. One man was watering plants outside and he got so startled seeing half a dozen people racing like this – he accidentally sprayed water all over himself.

"TRUCE!" I looked back and pleaded. "TRUCE. TRUCE."

"WHAT?" Rantaro frowned, but kept running. "NO, WE DON'T MEAN – "

"(Y/n), you better stop right now or I'll tell you later!" Daigo yelled, waving his fist in the air.

Shu had this shocked expression on his face, probably wondering why he was running along with them in the first place.

I had the same question.

Wakiya just occasionally told me to "Stop already!" which didn't exactly help the fact that they were chasing me to extinction.

I looked back again and planned on making a sharp left or right turn. Pretty sure they wouldn't be able to turn that fast, considering they had four people more than me.

Just as I was deciding if it should be left or right, I didn't look ahead and literally ran into a street dog, falling hard on my face. The dog yelped and almost jumped out of his skin. Then he scrambled away hastily, probably cursing me for not knowing about the fundamental rights of dogs written in their constitution.

I groaned and sat up, clutching my head tight. The Beyclub catched up quickly and stood in a rough circle around me. Shu was looking at me suspiciously. Wakiya was covered in sweat, catching his breath. Daigo, Valt and Rantaro panted but they seemed more normal about it.

"Poor dog," Rantaro breathed.


Daigo was nice enough to give me a hand and ask me if I'm seriously hurt. Once he was sure I'm fine, he rolled his eyes and muttered something about my skull being too thick to get hurt or whatsoever.

I glared at him.

"Okay," Wakiya exhaled, still out of breath. "Let's make this quick and get back to the club."

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