Chapter 17: The direction of falling raindrops isn't predictable

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(Y/n) (l/n) ~

Just as predicted, Valt and Wakiya won their battles yesterday. Told you, it's just power that matters in the end.

The day after tomorrow are the finals of B and D Blocks. My battle is against Orochi, while Wakiya would be battling Daigo. God knows how Daigo will perform. I just know that if I win, I reach the Nationals. And that's where my real test begins. Lui better make it to the Tournament.

I was currently headed to the Beyclub because Valt had invited me for a little 'practice'. Readers, please don't get the idea that I'm doing any of this willingly. It's just him annoying me till I agreed. The usual.

I walked through the streets of my neighbourhood, enjoying the silence that accompanied me, knowing very well that it wouldn't be there the moment I reach the school building. It was just a normal beautiful day with bright sunshine, but little did I know that the sun will literally come strolling to meet me.

The all too famous pop singer Zachary Kaneguro, who considers himself as the sunrise, turned around a corner in front of me. As soon as our eyes met, he grinned. I wanna run so badly, I can't explain.

With that party mask covering his eyes, the grin was a little too creepy, if you ask me.

"Hey, tiny star!" He held out his hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm the Masked Blader."

I blinked. So, this person is still under the delusion that no one is recognizing him?

When I didn't say anything, he retrieved his hand and cleared his throat. "Um, I know you aren't much talkative but—"

"And how do you know that?"

"Here's one of my friends who talked about you. His name is Lui Shiros—"

"Friend?" I chuckled, but there was neither humour nor any emotion in it. "Lui befriending someone is as rare as oxygen occurring on moon."


"Grow up, dude," I advised him. "You both are in the Supreme Four doesn't mean he's your friend. And just because he occasionally exchanges two or three sentences with you definitely doesn't mean he gives a crap about your already useless existence."

"Calm down, tiny star!" he said worriedly. "Is that your normal behaviour to snap at people?"

I gritted my teeth, instantly regretting those two statements. What the hell happened to the the silent treatment I used to give strangers? Did I really just talk that much to Zac?

This is because he mentioned that son of a shark, isn't it? I can't stand even a smallest trace of Lui around me. Even the mention of his name was enough to make me snap at the person in front of me.

It's kinda scary how much his existence affects me.

"Lui clearly respects your power," Zachary suddenly said.

I scoffed. "Are you lost, child? The only power Lui respects is the white dragon that decided to answer his commands. No one and nothing else."

Zac looked skeptical. "He said you're a quite worthy opponent and he takes interest in the rivalry between you two," he finished. "Not like I can deny it. You're the Gold Blader. Lui is the White Tyrant. Wow, I wonder which colour's gonna dominate the other in the end..."


"But it will, of course, be the sparkling yellow shine of the Sun that will overshadow all the others!" he beamed, making me roll my eyes. Just look at this stupid blader who considers himself so awesome when he's actually not. "Gold or white, the dazzling glitters always hide every colour behind their blinding glamour. Just like the rising su—Hey where are you going?! Wait, tiny star!"

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