Chapter 2: I get punishment on the first day of my school

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(Y/n) (L/n) ~

Today's the day when I'll join the school. Yesterday was a gap after I met the Beyclub, and honestly, even though I'm a bit skeptical about those people having an effect on my life, yet I'd like to rule out the possibility of them remembering me till now.

Right now, I was just a few blocks away from the Beigoma Academy, walking casually and enjoying the morning freshness. Oh, how I loved to be in Japan! Natural peace is something that, unfortunately, America couldn't offer me over these years.

It's 7:36 in the morning and the school won't start till 8:00, so I wasn't really in a hurry and actually enjoyed every little detail of my surroundings.

The morning sun was shining a brilliant golden.

It is said that the sun symbolizes strength, but despite his power and glory, I could only wonder about his freedom and captivity.

The sky was like his territory, and him, the ruler of all the lands beneath it. Yet he was not free to move around. He could only stay where he was. Like he was captured or restrained. All the freedom spread around him in the form of open sky – others only see that. But he knows better to stay in one place and only gaze at his endless domain.

How pathetic. But the walk to school was beautiful just like that.

Oh, spoke too soon.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!" an eardrum breaking voice shouted behind me. At first, I hoped that voice was calling somebody else, but no, who am I fooling? I doubt there's another (Y/n) around here and also, the voice suspiciously sounded like... I hesitantly turned around to see Valt running towards me. Of course.

"Hi, Valt," I greeted.

"You know what? I came early today, especially to meet you!" he stated, proud of himself.

"Does that mean you come late daily?" I asked the most natural thing somebody would.

Valt clutched a hand over his heart and dropped to his knees, faking pain. "I'm hurt! Why do you think I can't be early?"

I sweatdropped at his dramatic reaction. "No, uh, sure you can be."

"Guess what!" Valt jumped up again and continued smugly. "I'm even earlier than the twins today. They must be still sleeping!"

"We don't think so," the twins spoke from behind. They're so cute for no reason...

"WHAT?!" Valt exclaimed.

"You fell for it. There's no way you could ever be earlier than us!"

Valt looked crestfallen. Huge tears streamed down his eyes. I didn't really know what to do, but I bluntly patted his shoulder. "Next time, next time," though I wasn't sure if he could actually pull it off or not.

From two blocks away, I spotted Shu coming in this direction from behind. I figured he saw us just as I noticed him. Valt was facing this side so he couldn't see, or else he would've started shouting really loud.

Shu quickened his pace and came to join our party. "Morning, (Y/n). Morning... Valt? Hey, you're early!" he said with surprise.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN? I can be early too!" Valt pouted sadly.

"Morning, Shu," I greeted back normally. Shu snapped his head at me like I'd cursed his grandfather or something, but then smiled after a split second.

Uh, what the hell? Did I sound rude back there?

"WHO WANTS TO RACE TO SCHOOL?!" Valt said enthusiastically. Shu and I shook our heads together. Like I said already, he was smart and civilised, unlike Valt.

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