Chapter 11: Oops, did Yugo and Ukyo got noticed?

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"He wasn't in his apartment either," Nika said as the twins ran up to the others gathered in the Beypark. Apparently, Shu was nowhere to be found and Valt was worried.

"He never does that," he said, looking down at Valtryek sadly. "Shu never goes anywhere without telling."

"Hi, Valt!" Xander's voice said from somewhere behind. All of them jumped in shock. Valt turned around only to see Xander swinging upside down from a tree branch.

"By the way, Shu's with my grandfather. I suggested him that because of his shoulder injury."

All of them blinked in sync and Xander jumped down. "Y'all can come if you want."

"Really?" Valt suddenly perked up.

"Yeah, I was also about to go there," Xander laughed.

"Okay, I'll ask mom!" Valt said, running towards his house.

"Wait, don't forget to ask for us!" Toko and Nika shouted after him. Then the both of them shared a look, realizing Valt probably didn't hear.

"VAAALTT!!" They screamed and ran behind him.

"I think we should go too," Rantaro suggested. Daigo and Ken nodded in agreement.

"What about (Y/n)?" Daigo suddenly remembered.

"I don't know," Rantaro admitted.

"Maybe Daigo should go to her home and tell her about the trip," Ken (Keru) said.

"Nope. That girl will probably eat me alive," Daigo said and then shuddered at the thought.

"Then you eat her up as well," Rantaro smirked.


"You and your mind," Daigo rolled his eyes.

Outside Valt's house ~

"Maybe we should take (Y/n) as well!" Valt beamed at the idea.

"Yea!" the twins agreed.

"THEN IT'S DECIDED!" Valt screamed, already running towards her house leaving a trail of smoke behind him. Toko and Nika shared a 'Valt is stupid' look, before heading towards the Beypark.

Valt took no time in reaching (Y/n)'s house. He stopped right in front of the door and rang the doorbell a million times. From inside, came her voice, "Who comes to the doorsteps of hell?"

"Meeee!!" Valt replied enthusiastically.

"Go away."

"At least open the door."

There was a little silence on the opposite side but then came her voice again. "No."

"But whyyyyy?" Valt whined.

No reply.


"Ugh, you're still there," she growled in frustration. Valt grinned uncontrollably.

"Open the dooooor," he started singing.

There was no reply again. Valt paused for a moment then clenched his hands into fists and started banging on the door, making ghostly voices, shouting weird and random things.

After six minutes, when (Y/n) couldn't bear it anymore, she opened her front door, screamed a "Go die!" and slammed it shut again.

(Y/n) sighed in relief, turning around only to bump right into Valt who was standing there with a big smile on his face.

"When did you come in?!"

Valt looked confused. "You didn't see me? When you were closing the door, I squeezed myself and came from under it."

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