Chapter 13: We just need an epic Victory Burst

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(Y/n) (l/n) ~

Valt's being annoying again.
Keyword: again.

I already made it clear that I'll come at the dojo at one in the afternoon, but nooo. He's been crying and whining about how I should watch the team battle between The Beigoma Academy Beyclub and The Sword Flames 'because it would be unbelievably awesome!'

That was Valt's exact statement.

I'm not interested. I don't like to watch battles. I've got a new move to master before my battle against Xander. And I'm not even the member of the club. Then why the hell should I?

Those were my exact statements.

Before Valt could spam my phone with random messages and weird pictures like last time, I switched it off because blocking him would've provoken a whole lot other set of questioning, begging, crying, and acting like a caterpillar from Valt's side. And I wasn't in the mood of any of these.

The morning was beautiful. The sun was high. The mountains and rocks surrounding the Shakadera dojo were eye-catching. How I wished I could just spend the rest of my life between nature, watch different animals live their lives-

"HEY, (Y/NN)!!"

Oh, I almost forgot I already watch an animal live his life. The one who's an incredible blader, with an incredibly loud voice, an incredible amount of appetite, and is an incredible sucker for beybreads and Valtryek.

I think we know who I'm talking about here. I don't need to mention.

"Had any trouble finding your way here?" Valt grinned when I reached. The first thing I noticed was a huge bag of god-knows-what kept in a corner. I think I faintly remember Alexander wishing to taste Chiharu's cooking. Is the whole bag stuffed with breads?

Now that's what I call unbelievable.

Everyone was already gathered there. Xander, Valt, Shu, Toko, Nika, Daigo, Ken, Rantaro, Yugo and that boy in blue-Ukyo Ibuki. There were three more people I remember from the Swordflames' other members. Kazama...I think is the one who was referee the first time. And two other whose names I forgot, or maybe didn't bother to remember.

Too many people. Jeez.

"Hahaha," Xander laughed. "You ready for the big battle?"

"Hahaha," I bluntly replied back. "Ready to burst Xcalius."


"That wasn't even a laugh," Alexander scratched the back of his neck.

"Hahaha. I was just trying."

"You're kinda funny."

"Hahaha. I don't think so."

Xander raised his eyebrows. "Okay, you can stop fake laughing now."

"Hahaha. Now you'll get to know how annoying it is."


"Hahaha. I'll not stop until you promise to not to laugh around me."

"Um, fine, I guess."

"Hahaha. Good."


"Okay, you can turn back to normal now," Xander crossed his arms, somewhat annoyed.

"Hahaha. Fine."

God, I'm weird sometimes.

"Erm...This is my friend, Ukyo Ibuki. He's one of the best bladers of my dojo," Xander motioned behind him. The blue boy looked at me, then swept back his hair with his left hand, something I've noticed him do a lot; from our 'meeting' yesterday.

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