Chapter 24: (Y/n) jumps into my balcony without safety equipment

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Shu Kurenai ~

I had questions. Many.

I know, I know, I shouldn't try to take interest in somebody else's matter when they're clearly against it. And I'm not even curious to find out how painfully (Y/n) could murder me if I got myself on her bad side, but still.

I wanted to know so many things about this whole situation. So many secrets never unveiled, it made my back crawl with a strange type of fearful excitement.

I didn't know what was making me feel this way. It isn't like me to take interest in people's lives. It seems as if I'm looking at a version of myself I didn't know existed and (Y/n) is the one who triggered it. It was slowly dawning on me what Principal Shinoda meant that day on the school rooftop when he suggested us to take (Y/n) for the team battles.

He said that she's got an unexplainable aura to her personality that somehow invites everyone towards her for various reasons. Now that I'm experiencing it myself, I understand what he meant. Everything seemed like it was revolving around her. And personally, I was quite envious.

Since the first day, she's been proving herself better than me in every aspect possible. Having to see myself struggle before her makes me want to get even better, if nothing, it pushes me forward. But even after trying so hard, when I constantly fail to read her as easily as I can see through everyone else, it frustrates me a bit.

She's a rival to me. I don't know if she feels the same way, but it's the truth. The others have their own different reasons but the thing that pulls me most towards her, is how I haven't been able to interpret her at any point of our time together. Our first day, our latest day, her past before that, her future to come. Everything is out of my league and I hate this inferiority.

Yes, I don't need to know everything about everyone. In fact, if it were about someone ordinary, I wouldn't try so hard. But in this case, it's about someone better than me. And in order to surpass her, I first need to have information about her – something that's proven to be almost impossible so far.

When she first appeared, I had a strange feeling I've heard her name somewhere. When I found out she's as strong as the Supreme Four, I was caught off guard and started to feel nervous about being ignorant. It's still a mystery why I didn't know about her before if she was so famous. I definitely don't live under a rock, do I?

How was her blading career related to Japan? What was she doing here for such a specific period of time? Why had she gone to America in the first place? Most importantly, what kind of ruthless blader would... I don't know what to feel about that battle. For some reason, I didn't find it again.

"(Y/n), that's so awesome!" Valt punched her arm in excitement. (Y/n) glanced at him with a plain expression, leaving absolutely no way of figuring out what was going through her mind. That same old blankness like the first day, nothing out of the ordinary.

"What – " she raised an eyebrow. " – is so awesome?"

"Duh, why didn't you tell about this sooner?" Rantaro asked seriously, then blushed after a while. "So that Wakiya wouldn't have been able to show off his money in front of us. You're richer!"

"Hey, I don't do that!" Wakiya protested. I shook my head in disagreement.

"Even I can tell that's a lie, Wakiya," Toko gave him a side eye, judging him intensely. Wakiya's ego looked hurt, having his reality checked by a child like that.

"No, but, seriously," Hoji spoke for the first time. "You guys are sure you didn't knew? Aren't you, like, friends?"

"I know you'd think she'd tell us important stuff, but that's not how it works, buddy," Valt shrugged and threw a suggestive expression towards (Y/n), which, I was sure he didn't do on purpose because he's too innocent for that. (Y/n), on the other hand, gulped and looked away nervously, definitely very much affected by it.

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