Chapter 6: Valt needs major motivation

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(Y/n) (l/n) ~

Wyvron instantly took the centre with massive spin power, using Shield Launch while Sparyon kept circling around it in furious speed. For a few seconds, neither me nor Wakiya did anything. His Shield Crash requires the first hit to be done by the opponent. That's why Valt lost. He must've used Rush Launch against Shield Crash. A stupid strategy.

While Sparyon is circling around the stadium and is not hitting Wvyron, he wouldn't be able to use his special move and the battle could be stuck like this forever. A battle of endurance. We'd be waiting for either of the beys' stamina to end.

Fine, I need to risk a hit.

"If you want me to attack first, then be it," I announced. I could see Wakiya smirking and I had to resist the urge to kick him in the face.

"Okay, Sparyon! Claim the centre," I ordered.

"What?! How could you—" Rantaro said for the first time. "Wvyron is already there. This is insane! You'll lose."

I didn't reply. Hoji looked taken aback while Wakiya watched amusingly. He knew if my bey hits his, he'll be able to activate his so-called Shield Crash. Meh.

Sparyon did one more circle around the centre before changing its direction and moving towards Wyvron. The two beys collided with a flash, resulting in Wvyron being pushed towards the slope of the stadium while Sparyon claimed the centre without any intention to give it away.

"Wyvron, use Shield Crash!" Wakiya demanded.

Like a pendulum, Wyvron came back to hit with the same momentum as it was hit by. But like I said, Sparyon had no intention to give away the centre. As the two beys collided, Sparyon didn't even budge from its spot while Wyvron got pushed away like before. It was like my bey was pinned to there.

Wakiya looked surprised for a moment before recovering. "Again, Wyvron~! Shield Crash!"

"Quick! Counter it," I reacted.

Wyvron came at Sparyon again and when it hit, it went flying out of the stadium and landed with a clink. There was intense silence in the room. All of them look surprised and Wakiya, the most.

"I won," I reminded a wide-eyed Hoji. He hesitated for a moment but finally said, "Y-Yeahh. Stone Sparyon with a ringout finish. (Y/n) (l/n) gets one point!"

I teasingly smirked. The expression on Wakiya's face was priceless. If only you were there to see it.

"Shield Crash didn't work. How...?" He whispered, barely loud enough for anyone to hear.

"Aw was that too surprising? I already told you I'm better~!" I said sickeningly sweet.

"No!" He snapped. "There's one more battle if you're forgetting. This isn't over yet."

"I didn't even need any special move to push your Wyvron outta the stadium," I continued mocking him. "And you expect to win against me? How admirable!"

Before Wakiya could say anything, Hoji quickly announced, "Second battle!" We both took our stance again. Mine was the same, the Axe Counter one. Fine, fine. I've had my fans waiting long enough. This time, I'll definitely show my move.

Um, okay...probably. But hey, it's not my fault that my opponents are so weak that they can easily be beaten without special moves. And above that, I have to hide one of my moves for some fierce battles. I also need to have a secret trick for emergencies.

"Ready? Set!" Hoji announced.

"Three...Two...One...LET IT RIP!!"

Once again, Sparyon and Wyvron hit the stadium with incredible launches. Both beys hastily ran for the centre.

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