Chapter 19: A shattered rythm and two broken instruments

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"How the hell did you find where I live?!" Daigo screamed in shock.

"Didn't understand yet?" I asked mockingly. Daigo's shoulders relaxed and he put his hands in his pockets, thinking hard about it. I waited for realization to hit him.

After a moment, he finally realised. "That helpless woman—who by the way, did not look so helpless—I helped this morning? That was you in disguise!"

"Took you long enough to find out," I commented.

"I knew something was off about her. Her eyes looked so sinister," he paused and lowered his voice. "I had my doubts."

I shrugged. "Nevertheless, you fell for it."

"Your copying skills are good," he mumbled. "How did you even manage that voice?"

"That was no big deal. I've been doing these disguises for a while now. It's just practice."

"Yeah, totally knew that," he grumbled. "Wanna come in?"

"No, you come out."

"I already told you yesterd—"

"It wasn't a choice, if you'd listened properly."

"I think—Hey, since when did you start bossing me around?!"

"The pros of being my friend."

"More like, cons."

"Just come out, Daigo. Don't be such a baby."

"No, I'm not going there!" he said, lowering his voice at the end of the sentence. I groaned and rolled my eyes. I so wanted to bang my head on the door.

When will these boys stop being such annoying brats and learn to take care of themselves? Why is it always that these people get themselves in trouble, or fight among themselves and I'm the one to sort out everything? And I don't even mean any one of them. All of them are like that. Valt, Shu, Daigo, I look like their counselor?

I have to babysit these people on a daily basis. First, I had to convince Valt on his Wakiya issue. Then I had to do Shu's counselling on his shoulder problem. Then there was Valt angry with me when he got to know about Shu's injury. Next, there was Valt again when he cried over Ken leaving. Then was Daigo who cheated. Him and Shu came to my house for counselling. And that brings us back to Valt and Rantaro that got dramatic over Daigo's matter.

And now it's Daigo again, who doesn't want to go to the Regionals' arena to watch our battles because apparently, after what happened, he can't bear to look into Valt's eyes.

When did my life become so complicated? It's always me either convincing, explaining or counselling them. Honestly, for how long this will I continue? And when will these people learn to stand on their own feet? Imagine I had my own problems. If that be the case, would these babies have been able to comfort me?

Ha, I don't think so.

"Look," I began, mentally trying to prepare myself for a nice statement that would comfort Daigo and make him understand that it wasn't his fault. But after ten seconds of thinking hard and trying to frame a proper sentence, I gave up. What I ended up settling on, was something around, 'I don't give a crap. I don't care at all. Either listen to what I'm saying, or go waste your life'.

"Look, Daigo," I repeated. "Running away from the situation isn't an option. It just shows how weak and cowardly you are. If you made a mistake then better you face it, or get your face punched."

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