Chapter 26: I scare Hoji and take away his instant noodles

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(Y/n) (L/n) ~

"Alright," Wakiya said in his annoyingly stupid and useless voice. "We're having a barbecue tonight and it's going to be fun!"

I rolled my eyes. How the hell does he not realize he's very uninteresting?

Just before the sun could set, Wakiya had invited all of us down at the back of the mansion to have some 'together time' since it's such a rare occasion we're all here at one place happily so we should enjoy each other's company while we can because grasshoppers can't go out in the snow since bonding happens with mutual involvement or else the future will become lonely like the flying cows who don't get enough grass to eat so we should be grateful for our friends and love them because it will increase teamwork and blah blah blah whatever was his logic. I didn't even hear the whole speech.

Overall, he meant to say absolutely nothing useful because why the hell do we need quality time?! It makes no sense.

"But fun only happens with choreographed teamwork," he continued. Once again, how does having a fun barbecue increase teamwork? Why does it even require teamwork in the first place?

"As your captain, I've drawn up a barbecue flowchart," he finished saying. "Questions?"

Only one; why are you like this all the time?!

"Right here," Rantaro spoke up. As much as I'm still annoyed with him for pushing me earlier, he's the only one who truly understands my disliking towards Wakiya. "Who even made you captain?"

Ha! Take that, you dumb Wakiya.

", anyway," Wakiya continued his unnecessary speech, completely ignoring Rantaro's wise question.

"Hoji will bring in ingredients. Shu, Toko and Nika are in-charge of cooking. As for Daigo, Valt and Rantaro... that campfire isn't going to build itself!" he signalled towards an impossible pile of huge logs of wood stacked at a side.

Poor Daigo...

Honestly, I was quite okay with all that until he said, "(Y/n), you'll help set out tables and assist the cooking team with supplies from the mansion kitchen."

Bold enough to be his last words.

Tsujihara, who was standing beside Wakiya the whole time, had to take out his handkerchief and wipe his forehead. "Master Wakiya, uh... you can't really give her, eh, tasks."

"You heard your experienced butler," I told Wakiya calmly, however, he was only saved from my rage because Tsujihara spoke up for me. There's a reputed law between elite-class businessmen that hospitality and courtesy among dealers be of greatest importance. Poor old man must've already imagined mine and Wakiya's fathers having a war or something.

I don't care about all that and I don't really mind doing work either, BUT I HATE WAKIYA AND REFUSE TO DO ANYTHING SAID BY HIM.

"I'm your team leader! And according to my – "

"Listen here, you unwanted trash," I grabbed him by the collar and raised my fist. "Nobody here is really leader until everyone collectively comes to such conclusion, you understand?"

"N-Now don't fight, Miss – "

I raised my hand in front of Tsujihara and he shut himself up. As much as I like the old man, I can't let him try to save Wakiya from me today. I've had enough of him going around calling himself leader. This conflict must end right here, right now.

Wakiya gritted his teeth and used his hands to grip my wrist, unsuccessfully trying to stop me from tightening his collar. I couldn't see who, but somebody came up behind me to pull my body away from Wakiya.

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