Chapter 7: Memories of Shu and Memories of Lui

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Shu Kurenai ~

The throbbing pain in my right shoulder was unbearable. Even if I moved my hand for a millimeter, the pain felt like it has increased a thousand times. It took all in me to not to grab my right shoulder using my other hand.

Because (Y/n) was standing right there in front of me. If I give any clue as to my hand was aching, she would definitely tell me to see a doctor. And I don't want to create a big deal outta it when it wasn't even that bad.

Just hurting a bit. That's it. Some pain-relieving medicine, maybe an ice pack or two and it would be good. It's aching now just because the injury is new. It would eventually be alright, preferably without anyone else worrying too much about it.

"Hi," I said.

"Are, o-okay?" She managed to. I suspected she worked real hard to manage that kind statement. I would've laughed right now if it wasn't for my injury. I liked her unsuccessful attempts to act nice when she isn't used to it. I liked how those nice words don't match her expressionless face or the plain tone of her voice. It's amazing how she tries so hard. I respect her for that.

"Yeah," I said, unsure of even myself. "What happened to me?"

"Your hand is okay?" She asked.

"Absolutely," I replied with fake confidence. That would've been enough to convince anyone. But unfortunately, (Y/n) isn't the 'anyone'. She licked her lips, raising an eyebrow at me.

But instead of saying that I'm lying, or denying that my arm is fine, she said something that took me by surprise. "So I should believe you?"

I felt stuck and speechless. If I said yes, I knew I'd instantly feel guilty. From her face, she looked absolutely normal. By the tone of her voice, she sounded completely indifferent. But if I've learnt anything about her in the past week, it's that you can't get to know about (Y/n)'s feelings with her facial expression and the tone of her statements. It's the words that you need to focus on.

And by the words, I knew that she meant it when she said believe you. I knew if I said yes, she'd instantly drop the subject and walk away like nothing happened. But I'd be left alone with the guilt of lying. I'd eventually come to her running and say that I was sorry.

It may seem a little dramatic but the way she said it, I bet anyone would've felt the same way.

My red eyes kept looking into her red ones but words didn't come out of my mouth. There were only two answers—Yes or no. And neither of them felt right at the moment.

Finally, she sighed. "Fine. If you're not going to say anything, then at least show me your hand."

"I'm really not hurt," I insisted.

"Don't forget you still haven't answered the previous question."

I didn't reply as she came beside me and attempted to keep her hand on my right shoulder. Instinctively, I backed away. She gritted her teeth, forcefully grabbing me by the shoulders and keeping me in place. The pressure felt like like the whole sky decided to crash on my right arm today.

Imagine the leg of a bed placed on your shoulder. Then imagine four elephants sitting on that bed. Now multiply that pain by a thousand times and you'll get the exact idea of how I'm feeling right now.

She quickly left my arms and I realized that she'd been there for only two seconds at most. Are you kidding me? The pain felt like my arm was being ripped off of my shoulder again and again.

She looked at me and it took all my willpower not to clutch my shoulder and try to calm the pain. Maybe the problem was greater than I had thought. Fine, I may have underestimated Nika. But I still can't allow anyone to know. Especially not Valt.

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