Chapter 27: The special fruit that strengthens friendship

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I don't think this will happen to me, but rumours say it has happened to many people so I guess I'll take precautions as well. If my story suddenly disappears just because Wattpad is a stupid app with glitches and dumb policies, just note my username. If such a situation arises, I'll republish this book again. Also, is this really true and going on for real?


Valt Aoi ~

I didn't understand why (Y/n) kept giving me eye signals everytime she talked about Wakiya being the club leader.

I don't know. Am I supposed to understand something I'm not understanding?

I don't see what's the big deal. I don't really have any problem with Wakiya being the leader? But there's also the fear of taking everyone else down just because I wasn't good enough...

I guess I actually could've been the leader. But the thing is... I don't think I'm the best choice for that. What if I mess up? I don't suppose I'd be able to lead the team and stuff like that. Afterall, I'm probably one of the weakest bladers in our club. Shu, (Y/n), Wakiya... they're all so much better than me. As I'm now, I'm not even close to them when it comes to the title of leader.

Then, why does (Y/n) keep giving me that look? It's almost as if I should...

But I shouldn't.

I'll mess up as leader so bad that we'll end up as the most humiliated team on the list. Besides, it hardly matters who takes up the job. I just wanna battle strong opponents and win my way to the top! Become the best blader in the world! The leader thing is better off with someone who actually understands what matters most.

But the club... I made it. It belongs to m –

"HEY, KIYAMA!" (Y/n) yelled from the lake. Her sleeves were rolled up and she was standing inside the water, the water level just below her knee. After having another practice match, Wakiya decided that we go fishing for our lunch. Honcho and I agreed to come with him, but for some reason, (Y/n) also insisted on tagging along, although I couldn't understand what she would gain out of this.

Maybe, just maybe, she's becoming a more lively person and actually capable of enjoying different activities with us! These days, she doesn't even seem to be that much of an emotionless and rude person as she used to be before. Maybe I could finally get friendly with her and even challenge her for a beybattle without getting threatened! Hehe, that would be so amazingggg~

Man, that makes me realize we haven't battled together since forever. Hmph, that's a sad thought.

I pouted without realising.

Upon being called by (Y/n), Honcho looked over from his standing spot. He was using a fishing pole for the task, unlike me and (Y/n), who were in the water itself, making use of our bare hands and a fishing net.

As soon as Honcho turned in (Y/n)'s direction, she threw a fish directly at his face. Honcho stumbled back, but balanced himself before he could fall in the water.

"What wa – " he couldn't even finish saying before another fish came flying at him. Then another.

My jaw dropped to the ground. What does she think she's doing?

"HEY, (Y/N)! THAT'S SO MEAN," I shouted at her in hope of saving my dear friend, but she seemed to have turned a deaf ear to my screams. I frantically looked from (Y/n) to Honcho, not really knowing what to do. Should I jump in between? There's no guarantee I'll make it out alive!

"How you like that, Rantaro?!" She grinned evilly and threw another fish. I noticed she was simultaneously moving forward towards him as well. "Don't be shy, I've caught plenty for you! Does this make you regret back to when you pushed me? Huhh?!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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