Chapter 12: Valt's acting all brilliant and clever today

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(Y/n)(l/n) ~

"Who are you and what the heck were you doing up there?" I asked the boy in blue. Apparently, he loved trees so much that he couldn't help sitting on the branches and gazing down at normal people living their lives.

I was currently sitting on his back, holding him down on his stomach with my hands gripping his wrists on his back. I was pretty angry with him, while this boy had the audacity to feel amused at the gesture. His freaking nerve.

"The name's Ukyo Ibuki," he laughed, making me more mad.

"Do all of you have laughing issues?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Laughing issues..?" he mumbled in confusion, and then realization hit. "You must be talking about Xander!"

I muttered to myself, "Yeah, yeah. That humanoid wall with scarlet hair and a bey named Xeno Xcalius. Those pointed, abnormal, zing-zag, shark-like teeth and laughs like he doesn't know what all other emotions mean." Then I continued loudly, "Yes, him. Are you his long lost cousin? Maybe you got lost in the trees? Or in the shadows? Or maybe Yugo is your cousin, because the first time I met him, he also jumped down from a tree."

"You talk a lot."

"You're wrong."

"So you're a silent one?"

I left his hands and got off him. I casually brushed my clothes to remove any sign of dirt and started walking back to the dojo. Valt must be freaking out by now. I could practically imagine him running around and screaming about me being kidnapped, cockroaches being cute, me having mysteriously white hair, and beybreads being tasty.

He's random this way.

"Don't tell the others that we met," Ukyo called from somewhere behind me, and I figured that Xander, Yugo, Kazama, and maybe even the Ultimate Grandfather—Master Shakadera; all of them will mock Ukyo for getting caught in the forest.

Don't get me serious. It's just a thought.

When I returned back, the scene spread in the dojo was quite suspicious. Valt, Rantaro, Ken and the twins were discussing something while standing in a circle. Xander and Yugo were also there, listening to their discussion. Only Daigo and Shu were completely uninterested, standing in a corner, talking to each other seriously.

"—when (Y/n) comes back. Okay?" Valt was saying. Rantaro, Ken and the twins eagerly nodded while Xander and Yugo glanced at me.

"You know, she's standing right there," Xander pointed out. Valt jumped a little and turned around. I tilted my head questioningly.

"Where were you?" He asked with a concerned face on.

"Just now you were talking like you already knew where was I."

"Ehh..." he sweatdropped.

"May I know what will happen when '(Y/n) comes back'?" I clasped the right part of my face. The heat is kinda hurting me.

"Actually, we were, uh, thinking about... It was Honcho's idea, by the way—"

"Hey! It wasn't my idea," Rantaro protested, and they started arguing. I crossed my arms and turned my gaze towards the twins, who chuckled awkwardly, shrinking even smaller under my stare.

"Step aside, cowards. I'll do this. I'm the bravest person around here!" Alexander finally came forward. Rantaro and Valt stopped their quarrel and looked up at him.

"Don't take my name," Valt whispered to Xander even though I heard him.

"This man here," Xander tapped Rantaro's shoulder, making the latter fall down. What a great opening. "Him and the twins told me you're new and the group doesn't know much about you. Which is to say, you don't tell anything about yourself," he paused to take a deep breath. "So-I-suggested-we-should-play-a-game-so-that-we-all-can-get-to-know-each-other-better," he finished quickly.

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