Chapter 14: Regional Tournaments, Zachary Kaneguro and a tiny star!

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(Y/n) (l/n) ~

After coming back from the dojo that day, I did my training as usual. But when I returned home at 6:30 p.m., Valt paid me a visit.

The Lord of cuteness told me about Ken leaving the next day. Because of their family's unstable occupation, they've always had to keep moving and changing places from time to time, and so Ken has to transfer schools. In the process of telling me all this, Valt cried a lot and I didn't even know what to do to get him feel better.

Thankfully, making him a lot of food and saying nice things like: 'But he'll always be your friend' and 'It's okay. He isn't going for ever' actually helped. I was also grateful that I didn't snap at Valt to shut up and get out. That would've been a whole lot other level of rudeness.

The next day, Ken left but I didn't go to bid him goodbye. That was simply unnecessary.

I don't even care if anyone judges.

The next day of that, Principal Shinoda called me in his office. I wondered if I'd done something wrong, but then I remembered that I always keep doing something wrong.

Bracing myself for getting expelled or shouted at, I entered the principal office only to find Wakiya and Hoji already there. Realisation dawned on me when the principal handed me the Regionals' invitation card.

Wakiya had been constantly glaring daggers at me and I was returning the kind favour with even more deadly glares. The whole time, Hoji was looking between us awkwardly.

When we were outside the office, Wakiya finally lost it. "You know, (Y/n). I had almost been hoping that you wouldn't even receive an invitation."

"You worry about yourself," I waved my hand dismissively.

Wakiya looked at me angrily. "You just pray we don't end up in the same block, otherwise I'll defeat you so badly that—"

"—that you wouldn't be able to show your spoiled face to anyone," I said and then added: "Yes, that's what I was about to say. Thanks for speaking from my side."

Wakiya's head literally exploded at that insult. He growled and raised his fist to hit me, but Hoji held him back. "Leave me," Wakiya let out through gritted teeth. "I'm gonna personally strangle her today."

"Come at me," I growled back. "I'm standing right here."

"(Y/n), not helping!" Hoji scolded, turning back to Wakiya.

"Let's go," he said and literally dragged the blondie away from where I was standing. I sighed and looked at the invitation again. I still couldn't get over the fact that I lost to Shu. I wonder who else from the Beyclub had gotten invitations. Maybe all.

That evening, when I was returning from training, I noticed Rantaro alone in the Beypark, launching Rocktavor. It was kinda surprising because he's always with Valt, Ken or Daigo.

Okay Ken is gone, so where's Valt and Daigo? Is something wrong with Rantaro? Is he missing Ken? it possible that he didn't get the invitation?

The thought made my eyes widen in surprise. How could it be that Rantaro wasn't chosen? If I know him properly, he's a very good blader.

Thinking that I'm standing in the wrong place at the wrong time, I quickly continued walking towards my house before Rantaro could notice. What if both Valt and Daigo had gotten an invitation, and Rantaro was the only one without it? That would've been so saddening. It must've been damn hard when the principal gave the two of them their invitations. How he couldn't have cried, but couldn't have celebrated either.

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