Chapter 18: Daigo and cats are the only amazing things in this world

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(Y/n) (l/n) ~

"As if we'd fall for that story!" Valt growled, looking up at Shu.

"Your choice," I muttered and decided to walk away, happy to finally get a break from these two annoying overreacting bastards. I was getting angrier by each second and I knew a little more push will make me go berserk.

Believe me, when I get angry, it's really dangerous. All the more reason I don't wanna stay here. Or I'm sure I'll end up hurting Valt.

"(Y/n)," Shu warned in that oh so scary voice of his.

"What is it?" I challenged back with my eyes.

"Stand here and don't mov—"

"And if I do?"

"There will be consequences," Shu said sternly.

"Not a wise thing to tell me," I glared right back. "Now I'm really tempted to move because I wanna experience the consequences."

Shu grumbled something about overconfidence and turned his attention back to Valt and Rantaro, who were still having a hard time trying to figure out whether to believe it or not. He looked Valt dead in the eye. "It's the truth."

"He cheated in the battle?" Valt said incredulously. "Daigo would never do that!"

"Valt's right. Daigo would never do that. Why're you speaking like that, Shu?" Rantaro joined him.

"Yeah, Shu. I think you're lying," Valt said.

I swear one more statement from Valt and Rantaro, and I'm breaking the nearest door. Shu didn't even tell them anything and they're acting like that.

The anger was practically burning my body. I've been enduring this drama for the past half an hour. But now just one more second and I swear—

"Who are you? And what have you done to our Shu?" Rantaro asked. "Our Shu doesn't talk like that."

Dear gods, did I listen to this crap for half an hour just to lose my temper in the end? Give me some strength to control myself.

"Daigo would never cheat," Valt agreed. "No way Daigo would ever stoop so low!"

"You'd be surprised to know how low," I snapped. Okay, now I don't think I'd be able to take this anymore. The gods aren't helping either. Self-control cheated on me again. "Shu isn't telling you half of the whole thing and you both are acting like drama queens. Well in that case, let me give you something to be really worried about."

All three of them had their eyes on me now. They were highly shocked, but couldn't say anything. I think that's what it's called to be too shocked to speak.

"Wanna know the reason why Daigo did that? Do you know what did he did to win? Cheating is one thing, and cheating in a petty way is another. Wanna know how wicked Daigo's thoughts were? Wanna know the way he cheated?"

"(Y/n), you're not doing this," Shu said in an alarmed voice. "Stop right there. Fine, you wanted to go home? You can go."

Too late now.

"Daigo Kurogami made an unforgivable mistake. You'd be astounded to know, but I've also been in that position before. Just like him, I was also afraid of losing at that time. But the only difference was, that I was strong. Daigo was stupid and weak. I decided to become better so that I could win, while he decided to cheat so that he could win."

"Okay, you really need to stop now," Shu warned again, his hand on my shoulder now. "I don't like where this is going."

"You, shut up," I faced him, removing his hand. "Someone's gotta tell them. If you're too weak to do that, I'm ready to play that role."

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