Chapter 4: I get a plate of Spaghetti slammed into my face

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Valt Aoi ~

It was one in the afternoon. The warm summer breeze was blowing softly, caressing my skin and frequently making me blink. The sun was high and bright in the sky and whenever a cloud passed beneath it, it would cover the sun's glare, giving the cloud itself a golden lining. The heat was as soothing as—Okay. Enough.

I can't do it anymore. It's just too difficult to describe the weather. Again, why is it even important? I already pulled off four lines and if you count that 'soothing heat' line too, it will become four and a half.

No matter how many times I look at (Y/n), she still looks so unknown to me. But it's been five days since we met—or you can say it's been only five days. I made friends with Ken. Then Daigo. It was so easy. They mixed up so easily. But befriending (Y/n) is different. Much more difficult. She just wouldn't tell anything about her. It's too difficult to get information outta her mouth.

As if for testing, I asked her: "(Y/n), Why do you live alone?"

Her expression didn't change. It was the same unreadable one. Would she punch me, strangle me, answer me or ignore me?

Others also looked at her curiously, watching if she'll answer or not. She finally looked at me. "I've already told you that I wanted to be independent. Didn't I?"

"But it's more than that, isn't it?"

Shu looked at me wide-eyed and shook his head. (Y/n) glared. Immediately, I knew what Shu meant. Note to self: Don't ask about her past otherwise a slow, painful death.


"Yes?" She chirped. Again, how can she change moods so easily. She was glaring at me just now!

Okay. I need to question carefully. Something she shouldn't mind telling.

"What are your hobbies?" I asked.

"Staying away from you people."

"Uh...apart from that."

"Mimicking people," she answered.

(A/n: Y'all remember Count Nightfell? Same.)

"What does...that mean?"

"It means copying," Daigo explained. Ken developed a sudden interest in her story.

"Can you change voices too? Just like puppets do?!" Ken (Keru) asked.


"YOU CAN COPY MY VOICE??" I screamed. No way! It's so amazing.

The others except (Y/n) covered their ears.

"Of course, Valt," she replied, leaving me and the others stunned. Her voice was just like mine. How did she even do that?

"Man, that's creepy!" Daigo said.

"Uh...what else do you copy?" Honcho asked carefully. If she'd start speaking in a ghostly voice now, I'm gonna run away and hide in a basket.

Thankfully, she didn't.

"Your physical appearance and your behaviour."

"ASKAVJKUKAJ!!!" I screeched. They again had to cover their ears.

"What even was that?" She asked.

"Uh...I was just shocked," I replied sheepishly. She rolled her eyes.

"But really. If you can copy my appearance and voice, then you'll become just like meee!" I said, surprisingly.

"Um, wasn't that the real motive all along? Besides, I'm taller so it's not entirely possible but I try." She looked at her watch and murmured something thoughtfully.

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