Chapter 15: You don't always have to cheat to win

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Daigo Kurogami ~

"You think we'll get to see the battle today?" Nika asked.

"I'm not sure," Toko replied, worriedly looking over at the stage where (Y/n) and Ukyo were standing.

The two bladers have been arguing for over ten minutes now. The referee was desperately trying to calm them but with no avail. Right now, Ukyo was mocking (Y/n) for having white grandmother hair, while (Y/n) was insulting Ukyo for having a girly ponytail. At some point, (Y/n) was commenting on the size of Ukyo's brain, while Ukyo said that it's obviously bigger than hers.

After a little more while of the referee only making unsuccessful attempts at separating them and beginning the battle, he finally gave up and crossed his arms, waiting for the argument to end.

Poor referee.

"I still think they can be good friends," Xander laughed behind me.

"I'm not sure," Shu said sheepishly.

"Can't you see?" Valt said. "They both are looking so enthusiastic for the coming battle!"

"No," Rantaro corrected. "They're not enthusiastic for the battle. The heat is for that argument."

When I turned my attention back to the stage, they were arguing if pigeons are more cute or the vultures, when (Y/n) told Ukyo that he is a pig. Ukyo said that she is a rat, then she said that he is a spider, and then Ukyo said that she is an earthworm, and then (Y/n) said that he is a grasshopper, and this thing continued until all animals and insects in this world finally ended.

The referee took this pause as an opportunity and quickly announced, "Get-ready-for-the-first-battle!"

Ukyo and (Y/n) looked like they were about to protest that their argument wasn't over yet, but they took their stances without complaining. Ukyo was in his usual left-handed launching position, while (Y/n) went with the Axe Counter one.

A pretty interesting strategy, if you ask me. Axe Counter works while being in the centre, and Unicrest is a defence type. So of course it will aim for the centre. This battle will probably go same as when she battled Wakiya at his place. She can win.

Then again, Axe Counter may be an unbelievably fierce move, but Alicorn Launch cannot be questioned. I've personally experienced it. It's quite strong, and also difficult to escape. My Doomscizor's Quake Launch went completely ineffective against that move.

"Ready? Set!" Referee announced.

" IT RIP!"

Sparyon and Unicrest landed in the stadium with flawless launches. Unicrest went straight for centre, while Sparyon circled around it in clockwise movement.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. That's not Axe Counter. Her bey should've been in the centre of the stadium for that.

Expectantly, realization hit me like a truck and that truck ran me over, flattening me on the road.

I remembered (Y/n). That girl is too damn proud to even use her special moves during the battle. She mostly battles that way. The stance may have been of Axe Counter, but she's not gonna use it. She thinks she's so strong that she can beat Ukyo without using her special moves.

I sometimes wish she loses in a battle, and that ego shatters. If she's strong, then that doesn't mean she will underestimate her opponent that way. It's actually very insulting when your opponent isn't using their full power and they think you're so weak that they'll win just like that. I would so hate it if she does that to me.

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