Chapter 23: Trashy Murasaki motivates me to take a bad decision

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A revealing chapter coming up ahead!
Don't forget to take notes, YOU'RE GONNA LOVE THIS ONE.


(Y/n) (L/n) ~

An unplanned family reveal was the least I expected this beautiful Tuesday.

Yes, many other bad, infuriating, unexpected and uninvited things happened as well. But that was the worst.

Maybe the hour simply doesn't suit me.

But I'm pretty sure there exist a bunch of people that are happy by these unnecessary revelations. Like, Valt and Daigo? They're on the top of that list.

Oh, from where should I start narrating this sad story?

Keeping the upcoming Nationals in mind, I was peacefully practicing at my home when the doorbell rang. In a country like Japan, where basically no one exists that would bother to visit me, it wasn't very hard to guess who would be at the door. Someone like Valt, Daigo or Rantaro would be totally natural.

Now, I'm not usually excited about having people from the Beyclub (or people in general) come over at my place, but due to some highly tragic recent happenings, I've unfortunately (very) become a member to the same Beyclub I used to protect my sanity from. And considering that, I decided I should answer the door.

Lesson learnt: I should've not.

It was just nine in the morning, my day hadn't even started properly and the person visiting me was self-centered, delusional and prideful enough to surpass Zac the Sunrise; and that was a thing in itself.

I was training on the upper floor, so the lower area was exceptionally dark, but as soon as I opened the door, the warm sunlight of mid-June carelessly found its way inside the doorway, softly illuminating the wooden interior of my home. The rainy reason was close with its arrival and low clouds could be seen floating around eagerly. My small two-sectioned front garden was vibrant with life. Watering was done earlier in the morning, and tiny droplets left on the leaves and flowers reflected enough sunlight to make it look like diamonds scattered in nature. If it weren't for the person standing in front of me ruining the perfect morning picture, I would've set out to take my time admiring the details of such natural perfection.

"Have you lost your way, Wakiya Ego-saki?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

Wakiya smirked and stroked his braid with one hand. "Fashionably, no, (Y/n) Stupid-(L/n)."

"Wow, you really think you did something with that lame excuse of a comeback, huh?" I blinked, genuinely surprised that he did nothing but copy my line. Uncreative idiot.

Wakiya made an unsuccessful attempt at concealing his humiliated expression with another egotistic smirk, but it didn't hide the fact that he was melting with embarrassment inside.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. What did I do to deserve this moron here instead of some great people like Toko or Daigo?

Wakiya cleared his throat and crossed his arms with a quick, stern expression. "Quickly get ready for a three-day trip and meet us at the station."

A three-day what now?

And who does he even think he is? Ordering me with such confidence as if I'll actually obey? Moreover, why is it that whenever somebody from the Beyclub plans a trip, they think it's necessary to invite me?

I had a sudden imagination of my fist hitting Wakiya's jaw. "As I've said to Valt before, you guys can go to hell or trip or wherever you want. I'm not interested."

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