Chapter 21: The knife that could or could not be real

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(Y/n) (l/n) ~

"I want the recording of my Regional battle with Orochi," I slammed my fist on the nearest official's table. "Deleted from the wbba website."

"B-But, miss! That's technically very difficult for us to arrange, pl-please try to understand the situation," the said official told me for the hundredth time. The guy looked a little above twenty five years old. The worried and a little too intimidated tone of his voice told me that he wasn't much experienced at the job he was doing.

That angered me more.

I've been here for almost fifteen minutes, having walked all the way from my home; and the wbba officials have this stupid person on entrance duty who still hasn't taken my request anywhere. Maybe if he could transfer my word to someone higher in position or another more experienced officer, I might have a chance at a much more reasonable conversation.

"Listen, you good for nothing trash," I leaned down to him threateningly. "I'll give you ten seconds to call someone higher in authority before I get you thrown out of your dear office."

He didn't say anything about it, but his expression seemed to test me as if I was just another blader whining in front of him. On the other hand, the look of hesitation and fear was still upon his face, urging me to play worse cards.

Making someone more and more afraid of me was something I loved to do. I'm simply kind that way.

"What do you take me for?" I raised an eyebrow. "When I say I hold enough power to have Hanami expelled, I mean it."

Dear Devil, please don't send me to hell for this. I'm sure this doesn't count as abuse of power. I'm just an innocent child bragging a little more than my age allows.

For the third time, I squinted at the label kept on his table and managed to read: 'Itsuki Kaito'. Right, that's his name. I might or might not have already read it two times before and had forgotten within eight seconds at most.

Kaito hesitated more but my little threat helped him make a decision for the better. He rummaged through some drawers until he found a certain diary he was apparently looking for. I figured he wouldn't have needed searching. Most likely, he already knew where he kept his stuff but he was wasting time on purpose and/or trying to annoy me.

A few times he unsuccessfully dialled a number on the telephone, then proceeded to cross check in the diary when it didn't work. He tried again and just as I was about to accuse him of faking the call, he received an answer from the other side. The sharp static sound had me sure that the person on the receiving end wasn't thrilled by the phone call.

"Uhh, is the manager free? ... Trust me ... No, no, this is somewhat ... Listen to me, sir ... This girl wants to meet the authority, I ... I can't, I'm not able to ... Sir, this is important, I want the manager ... She appears to have some ... Please try to understand – " I groaned at his pathetic attempts to fulfill my little request. Why do all the annoying ones end up on my side of the story?

"Just say it's (Y/n) (l/n)!" I frustratingly helped him out.

"THE GIRL SAYS SHE'S (Y/N) (L/N)!" He suddenly shouted in the telephone, his tolerance finally giving out. I stared at him with eyes wide like saucers, not masking my astonishment at all. That was unexpected. Mind you, it's very difficult to surprise me.

Kaito sighed and slumped down in his chair heavily. I would never fail to register such a face – he looked so frustrated, tired, pathetic and ill. I stood there like a hawk, watching closely in case he bursted again. Think I pushed too many wrong buttons. Kaito muttered something that suspiciously sounded like 'This is the first time I wish I could just disappear' then looked up at me annoyingly.

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