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Hi my dear readers,

Many have been asking me if I am going to keep writing this story and the answer to that is yes.

I will keep writing for you guys. I just need to finish the last chapters that I have not completed as I have been saying before I like to post the complete story and not let you guys wait. However, what I did not expect was that the last couple of years I have been experiencing huge migraines which have cause me face and left arm  paralysis. So its hard to keep writing when I have all this going on in my life as I have gone to the doctors not giving me a real explanation as to why it happens and well others doctors say is because of the migraines. For the moment I am fine now and I am trying to get back on my feet and move on with my life.

Another thing I wanted to say was that I wanted to thank EVERYONE who has read, added, liked, and comment on my books. I do appreciate the effort and the support you guys give me. I promise that for the next month I will start to post again.

I hope you understand and forgive me for not being as constant as I wish I was.

I love you dearly and be kind, brave, and remember to visit once in a while a doctor for a general check up, stay healthy and happy,
The girl with the pen.

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