Chapter 15

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Rick was on the verge of losing himself, having to watch how the love of his interior life had just slip away. Alex the young boy huge his aunt and uncle with all his might, he just had lost his mother, the one who understood him the best, and will always give him a smile even when he was not behaving.

On the side of the pyramid as all were grieving this huge lost, they fail to notice Hafez, who was taking the bracelet to wake the Scorpion King.

Inside the pyramid

Anck-Su-Namun and Imhotep were walking down the stairs to finish their mission and live the life they always wanted for each other.

As they reach the bottom of the stairs Imhotep was attack by ghost and Anck-Su-Namun screamed for her partners out of fear. The ghost had taken away Imhotep's powers, leaving him completely defenseless.

"The great god of Anubis has taken my powers. It seems he wishes me to fight as a mortal." said Imhotep to Anck-Su-Namun, who took her hand and put it on Imhotep's back to make sure he was all right but the look on her face could not be brush away.

Outside the pyramid

Rick was hugging his son as Evy, and Jonathan were by their sister side. It was a hard moment for all of them to for Rick to watch his now dead wife on the sand floor filled him with rage, he did not care about the end of the world anymore for the world that he knew had already ended and he only wanted one thing, revenge.

"Stay here." Commanded Rick to his son and started to walk towards the pyramid.

Inside another part of the pyramid

Hafez was making his way inside the pyramid holding the bracelet as he searched for the place to where the Scorpion King rested. On his feet were thousands of black scarabs around him, scared he pulled the bracelet and made the scarabs run away from him and making way for him to pass.

There, he found it. The statue of the Scorpion King, just a few feet away from him. Hafez's heart skipped a beat, he finally made. After all this suffering to get here it was almost over. He walked over the statue, and, in the middle, there was a little hold, big enough for an arm to go through. Without thinking twice, he put his arm that had the bracelet on inside the hole.

The pyramid had come to life, filled with light, showing its beauty of gold and its structure.

Rick was making his way inside the pyramid; he was pissed off and wanted to see blood. He did not care anymore to what happed to him, the only thing that was keeping him on the world had already vanish and with her all his sanity. Something pulled him out of his thoughts as a light passed him by almost knocking him out of balance.

The light had turned into a shadow passing through outside the pyramid and all over the desert reached where the army of the medjay.

"So, it begins." said Ardeth.

Alex sat on the sand with his uncle by his side kept crying over his mother.

"Try to think of it like this, Alex. She's gone to a better place. You know, like it says in the good book." said Jonathan trying to comfort his little nephew as he was also trying to contain his own grief.

"The book." said Alex not paying attention to his uncle.

"What?" asked Jonathan not understanding Alex's out of the blue comment.

"That's it. That's it. Come on, uncle Jon!" Screamed Alex. Making Evy turned around, who was sitting by her sister's side, not deairing to leave Sophie alone.

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