Chapter 12

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Imhotep's Camp

In their next destination, everyone was already setting camp and the young poor Alex had is foot locked to a chain and buried into the ground. Leaving not chance to escape.

He angrily started to kick the sand around him, trying to find a way to get lose and run away.

"Don't even think about it!" said Lock-Nah, warning the boy of not getting any ideas. The man was at his limit, and he did not need too many reasons to kill the young boy. Lock-Nah approach Alex with all the intention to at least hit him.

Alex got scare and tried to avoid him but couldn't. Just and Lock-Nah was close enough Alex said,

"Hold on there, partner." and showed him the bracelet with a grin on his face. Alex knew one could touch him as long he had the bracelet on.

"When the time comes," started saying Lock-Nah in a deep voice with an evil smile on his face, pulled Alex's tie very hardly and continues saying, "I shall truly enjoy killing you."

"But until that time, you better be a little nicer to me. Now where's my water?" said Alex not really caring for the huge scary man. In his heart he knew is mom and dad will come to get him. He just did not know how but he still knew.

Lock-Nah already fed up with the kid pushed the water towards him, making it spilled all over Alex.

"No ice?" asked Alex with a tone of really being indignant. Making Lock-Nah angrier and frustrated as he could not do anything to the boy and just scream some word in ancient Egyptian.

Alex waited for being alone and pour all the water in a part of the sand and started his master piece. If he could not escape, he would make sure to tell his parents where the next destination will be.


On the morning

Rick and Ardeth bolt out of the flying boat once it reached land and they both ran towards the train.

Guns in hand Ardeth went to check the front of the compartments as for Rick the bottom ones.

Ardeth saw no one on the train and got out. Rick checked an open door and inside there was also no one, only a sand clock.

"They've gone. We've lost them." yelled Ardeth to Rick, whose face turned in complete despair and sadness.

Sophie took Evy with her and search the inside of the ruin palace.

Sophie not leaving any place unsearched and kept on looking around. She knew her son and she had thought that if they were too late at least he would leave something behind.

For a moment Evy stopped in her tracks and pulled Sophie's arm.

"Is that Alex's tie?" asked Evy.

Sophie turned to look, and it was, without a second thought she ran towards her son's tie and screamed, "RICK!"

Both Rick and Ardeth ran towards the other two women with guns ready in their hands.

Ardeth went directly towards Evy and Rick towards Sophie, she was holding the tie in one hand and the other one to her stomach. She showed the tie to Rick and looked to what their son had left behind.

"Alex left us his tie, and he made us a little sand castle." Explained Sophie.

"It's the Temple Island of Philea" said Evy as she lain over to see what everyone was looking.

"They've gone to Philae." said Sophie with a smile on her face.

"That-a-boy, Alex. Come on!" replied Rick proud of his son for being as clever as his mother.

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