Chapter 17

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Inside the pyramid everything started to fall apart. Sophie and Anck-Su-Namun stud side by side as the waited to see if their lovers were still alive.

Imhotep was the first to pulled up from the pit of the undead and Rick follow suit.

"Dad!" screamed Alex for his father who was struggling to get out of the pit. Both Rick and Imhotep were being pulled down by the undead made it impossible to get out.

Sophie looked up and started to calculate the fall of each pointy stone so she could go and help Rick.

"Sophie, no! Get out of here! just get out of here! No!" screamed Rick to his wife, once he saw the look on her face being pulled by determination. She somehow was brought back from the dead and he wanted more than anything to live.

Without thinking Sophie started running towards Rick as she was evading some of the falling stones.

"Mom!" yelled Alex when he saw that his mom was about to be crushed. Jonathan not being able to watch his sister die once again turned his gaze and Evy pulled Alex closer to her preventing the young boy from running towards his mother.

Sophie kept on running and found a safe space for her to stop and gather her thought and calmed her heartbeat. She needed all of senses to make it to where her husband was and fast. Again, she gathered her courage and kept on running and evading the stones. Rick about to fall Jonathan yelled to his brother-in-law to hang in there as Sophie was about to make it.

With a last pushed Sophie jumped towards Rick and fell to the floor and grab his hands and started to pull him up.

Imhotep watching Sophie's sacrifice for her lover he looked back at Anck-Su-Namun and yelled,

"Anck-Su-Namun! Help me! Help me!"

Anck-Su-Namun watched the desperate looked her lover was giving but could not bring herself to cross the room for her to die in the end and ran away from him.

"Anck-Su-Namun!" yelled Imhotep not believing that the love of his life had just turned away from him, after all he had done to bring her back alive.

"Anck-Su-Namun." said Imhotep again with a low voice with tears on his eyes as his heart was breaking apart, the pain of betrayal was too great to bear.

Imhotep glance once again to the couple next to him only to see that Rick made out of the pit alive and hugging his wife. Imhotep made the decision that if he could not be with Anck-Su-Namun then he did not want to be part of this world, his pain was too great to bear alone in this world and let the undead creatures take him and started to pull his body apart.

It was over, finally over. The O'Connell's took this chance to get their son, Jonathan, and Evy so they could get out of there.

Anck-Su-Namun was trying to find the way out. The pyramid was falling apart and before could get out of the room she was in the door was block by stones which made her lose her balance. Trying to recover as she saw that she was about to fall into a pit a scarab a stone fell behind her making her fall inside the pit and with that the most painful death came to her and once again died.

The whole island was being sucked inside the pyramid and all that lived in there was being pulled away.

"Let's go up!" said Rick and pointed towards the stairs.

Outside of the pyramid the five of them could see all being suck away. Rick took Sophie's and Alex's hands and pulled them towards them and said,

"This whole damn place is gonna get sucked up! Let's move up! Go!"

Finally reaching the top of the pyramid they found that there was no way to escape and were stuck.

"Rick, we're trapped!" said Sophie as she was holding Alex closer to her.

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