Chapter 4 part 2

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"Jonathan, I thought I said no more wild parties." Rick said confused .

"Well, when you're popular..." said Jonathan.


"Alex, I'm serious. if you've lost that key, you're grounded." scolded Sophie to his son.

"I haven't lost it. I just can't find it. There's a difference." said Alex with a little smirk on his face while thinking how clever he was. 

"Well, you'd better start finding it then." said Sophie in a threatening voice knowing that she was losing her patience. 

"I will, Mom. There's nothing to worry about." replied her son, feeling worry by not knowing how he would get the bracelet off his wrist. 

without both of then noticing someone was getting closer to them with the intentions of killing them and get the chest. 

"Good evening." said the man making himself known to the mother and her son. 

Sophie stood up in a second and took Alex and placed him behind her, she could feel her heart beating faster by the second but she knew that no matter what her son was to be protected even if it meant losing her life. 

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"  said Sophie with her head held high. 

"I'm looking for the chest, of course." replied Lock-Nah 

Alex took the chest on stud behind his mother. 

"Give it to me now." said Lock-Nah.

Sophie took a sword that was next to her wall and point it at the man in front of her. 

"Get out of my house." said Sophie with a tone of voice that left her own son in shocked as he has never heard his mother talked that way. 

"Whoa, Mom. Maybe not the best idea." Alex said a little scare not really believing that his mother would take someone that big, meanwhile his mother took his arm and pushed him behind her and said, 

"Alex, get back there." knowing that she could take him out really easy, but what she did not expect and made her heart sink to the bottom of her stomach was when she saw that the man was not alone and behind him where four more red coat man. 

"Definitely not the best idea. I think it's time to yell for Dad." Alex said again now scare for what would become for both of them. 

"Now I will kill you and take it anyway." said Lock-Nah already wanting to have this over. 

"I think not." out of nowhere Ardeth appear behind Sophie and her Son making all the man dress in red take out their swords. 

"Ardeth, what are you doing here?" asked Sophie surprise to see him there at her home. 

"Perhaps explanations are best kept for later." Ardeth replied while he kept looking for a certain someone who happens to be Sophie's sister.

"Ardeth Bay." said Lock-Nah.  

"Lock-Nah." replied Ardeth. 

looking at each other they both knew that none of them would back out and one of them may just make it out alive when this fight was to be over. 


Rick still in the room with his brother-in-law and the other people still with the knife on Jonathan's throat was thinking of a way to help him and get out of there. 

"Hey folks, knowing my brother-in-law, he probable deserves whatever you're about to do to him, but this is my house, i have certain rules about snakes and dismemberment." 

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