Chapter 11

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On the flying boat

Already the day gone by and only the twilight remained Ardeth bird, Horus, flied into the flying boat landing in his arm.

"If a man does not embrace his past, he has no future." Ardeth said to Rick, who was seating in front of him while he was filling his gun case.

"Look, even if I was some sort of sacred Medjai, what good does that do me now?" asked Rick.

"It is the missing piece of your heart. If you embrace it, if you can accept it, you can do anything." Ardeth explained.

"Sounds great. Listen. What can we expect from our old friend Imhotep?" Rick said changing the subject. For him there was no interest in this type of conversation for he did not believe anything Ardeth was saying.

"His powers are returning quickly. By the time he reaches Ahm Shere, even the Scorpion King won't be able to stop him." Answer Ardeth.

Rick with a long sigh put both of his hands on his face. He really was tired of this; he only wanted his son back and Sophie to be able to relax and be happy with their son on their side. He also wondered what else was bothering her. He has known her for a long time now and she has become a part of him as well he has become a part of her, so deep in his heart he knew something else was going on inside that stubborn head of hers and for him not being able to help her, because she was not opening to him, create a small hole on his heart.

Sophie remained on the edge of the flying boat and watched the sky's view. For a moment she started to remember her time with Jack.

"Stop it! Jack! Stop it!" Sophie screamed as Jack was punching one of her father's old friends, who had known Sophie since she was born.

"Where can I find hamunaptra?" Jack asked again while for each word he was giving a punch.

Sophie did not know what to do, she tried to pull Jack away from her dear father's friend, Philip, but in the end, she received a blow to her face.

"I. don't. know. and even if I knew I would not tell you!" replied Philip.

Philip looked straight into Sophie's eyes, and she knew there was no resentment in them he gave her a small smile as Jack pulled out his gun and Killed Philip with a single shot.

In that moment Sophie's world was collapsing as she watches the light on Philip's eyes being gone forever.

"Stupid bastard! That's why I hate people like you." said Jack as he was pulling his gun away.

Sophie watch Jack being distracted while he searches inside of Philip's pockets. She grabs her knife and with all might called Jack's name. As he turned around to looked Sophie had already throw her knife straight into Jacks left eye. Without a moment to waste she was out the door and left him behind and not looking back.

Suddenly Sophie was pulled out of her thoughts as she heard the voice of Imhotep inside her head.

"It is time to remind you of who you are, and of who we are together. For our love is true love, an eternal love, our souls mated, together as one, forever." Spoke Imhotep to Meela.

Ancient Egypt

Two women facing each other, with glamorous clothes, gold masked hiding their identity, swords on each hand, they prepare themselves to battle each other.

Each one giving their all against each other, both being great warriors it was an even match.

Suddenly the one with the brown skirt manage to one with the golden one fall to the floor. The match it was over, clearly the one in the brown skirt had won. The one to the floor pulled of her masked and the face of Maye was revealed.

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