Chapter 9

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On another part of the desert

Land full of sand, camels, and people running around, the O'Connell's, the Carnahan's, and Ardeth arrived at their destination with a big sign that says 'Magic Carpet Airways' looking for the man that would help them find Alex.

"This is the magic carpet?" asked Sophie referring to what Rick had said on the bridged as she was getting out of the car and following him not sure if this place was legit.

"He'll be fine. He's a professional." Replied Rick not knowing if he was trying to convince his wife or himself.

In that moment, a man with a black patch covering his left eye opened the door and halted on his steps once he saw that Rick was standing right in front of him.

"Izzy!" exclaimed Rick with a huge smile on his face trying to "act" friendly.

"NO!" yelled Izzy and turned back towards the door with a scared looked on his face. He started to mumble to himself not believing that O'Connell was there and closed the door as fast as he could and locking it.

Rick's smile dropped and tried to call back Izzy, but the man kept the door closed.

"He definitely remembers you." Said Sophie wondering and amused as to what could have done her husband to get that man such reaction out of him.

"He's a little shy." Replied Rick sarcastically.

Evie was having some trouble trying to get the bags out of the car and before she could asked for help Rick had beat her up for it.

"Jonathan get our bags."

"Oh, my hands are full" replied Jonathan not really wanting to do any work making Rick mad and grabbing the gold stick from his hands and Jonathan realizing he better do what Rick said and help Evie before Rick started to beat him for his laziness.

"I'll deal with the flight details" said Rick as he was pulling out his gun and started shooting the lock on the door.

"Honey, you're not a subtle man." Said Sophie with a smile on her face.

"We don't have time for subtle" said Rick and kick the door.

"Izzy, come here." Said Rick as he enters with his wife close on his tail.

Izzy scare started to mumble once again and kept saying the word no as he was trying to get away from Rick.

"Doesn't look happy to see you." Said Sophie now more curious than ever wanting to know the story behind Izzy behavior towards her dear husband.

"Never turned me down yet." Answer Rick with a smirk on his face.

"Whatever it is, whatever you need, I don't care. Forget it, O'Connell. Every time I hook up with you, I get shot! Last time, I got shot in the ass. I'm in mourning for my ass." Said Izzy as he was gathering some papers on a table that where a drunken man was sleeping on and the O'Connell's were following him, not ready yet to get a no as an answer.

"Remember that back job in Marrakesh?" asked Izzy trying to get his point across.

"Back job?" asked Sophie wanting to know more of her husband's past.

"It's not like it sounds." Rick tried to defend himself.

"It's exactly how it sounds." Izzy fire back and kept collecting paper.

"I'm flying high, hiding in the sun. The white boy here flags me down, so I fly in low for the pickup. The next thing you know, I get shot! I'm lying in the middle of the road with my spleen hanging out, and I see him waltzing up with some belly dancer girl." Izzy continues with the story.

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