Chapter 2

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Egypt - 1933

Inside the temple Rick was very careful to where he was going with a torch on his left hand and to his right a gun. After what happen to them at Hamunaptra he was now ten times more alert of his surroundings when he went exploring.

He could feel his heart beating faster and faster as he heard a hissing in the distant. Rick made sure he had a tight grip on his gun ready to shoot at any moment.

Rick let out a huge scream as his son, Alex appeared out of nowhere making Alex be knocked to the ground as he was not expecting his dad's scream.

"Alex?" asks Rick almost out of breath as he was putting his gun away.

"What where you thinking, a mummy had come back to life?" asked Alex chuckling at the idea.

"I'll tell you a story some time." Replied Rick while he helped his son stand up from the ground.

"What are you doing down here? I told you to wait for us up in the temple." said again Rick to his son but Alex not paying attention to his dad said to him,

"But dad I saw your ta..."

"No "buts." It's dangerous down here, Alex." Interrupted Rick not wanting his son to be in any type of danger.

But like his mother, Alex stubbornly took his father arm and took off his lather bracelet and said, "But I saw you tattoo."

"You saw what?" Rick asked now paying attention to his son.

"On a wall in the entrance. There's a cartouche just like it. With the pyramid and the eye and the two kings and everything." Said Alex really excited for his discovery.

"Really?" asked Rick as he smile to him remembering how much Alex sounded like his mother when he talked about something that passionate him.

"Yeah!" replied Alex.

"Okay, well, I'll take a look at that in a minute. In the meantime, I want you to wait for us up there." Order Rick to his son.

"But, but..." Alex still stubborn wanted his father to see but Rick stop him short and now with a serious tone said to him,

"No, pick up your stuff, and I'll see you up in the temple. Go." And turned his son to the direction of the temple and gave him a little push.

"And... and what shall I do?" asked Alex as he was walking away.

"I don't know. Surprise me. Build a better mouse trap." Replied Rick and went to looked for his dear wife.

"Okay." Agreed his son and walked towards the temple.

"While you mother goes and desecrates another tomb." Said Rick more to himself as he was also walking away.


Sophie took a small brush from her tool kit and started to brush some dust way from a wall as she was reading the hieroglyphics and saw a drawing of two women ready to battle each other, she could not stop and wonder if this meant something to her, it was strange but she felt like she had seen this before, but her train of thoughts stopped as she heard a loud hissing noise near her.

She looked around and saw an eastern coral snake getting closer to her foot.

"Go away," she said and with a smooth kick the snake went flying away. But to her surprise Rick was in the direction of the snake and luckily moved away quickly.

"Those are poisonous, you know." said Rick to his wife.

"Only if the bite you." Sophie replied and walked towards the table she had setup all of her tools she may need.

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