Chapter 14

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The O'Connell's and the Carnahan's started running away from this evil creatures.

"I thought you said it was nothing!" yelled Jonathan from behind the group and started to run away with them.

Rick still holding into his son hand kept on running faster, the rest were following behind as they were being chase by those monkeys.

Jonathan and Evy went into the wrong direction and separated from the group.

"Where's Jonathan and Evy?" yelled Sophie.

Jonathan and Evy ran into a red clothe warrior and started to run the three of them together.

five monkeys appeared out of nowhere and were getting closer to the small group.

"Look! There's a burial ground! We're safe! We're safe! See those sacred stones? They'll never cross those." exclaimed Jonathan.

"You are sure?" asked the other man.

"Yes, of course, I'm sure!" replied Jonathan.

Evy not wasting a second ran past them and made both of them look back to which one of the monkeys saw them and jump over the sacred stones and stab the man with the red clothes on the chest.

Jonathan started screaming and the monkey also screamed. The monkey ran away and the guy with the spear on his chest looked at Jonathan and Jonathan said, "Sorry, my mistake." and kept on running after his sister.

Alex, Sophie, and Rick were crossing over a tree that led to another part of the jungle and below them was a river with strong streaming water.

"Wait for us!" screamed Evy at the top of her lungs.

"Hurry up!" screamed Sophie back.

Rick was lighting one of his small bombs as Evy and Jonathan were crossing the tree and right behind them all the monkeys were after them.

"What's that for?" asked Jonathan as he was getting off the tree.

"Ah, nothin'. Just a little something in case of an emergency." Replied Rick as the bomb light on fire and throw it towards the monkeys, who started fighting who will get the stick.

Right as they were passing the middle of the tree the bomb exploded and with it brought down the tree with all the monkeys on it.

"Rick." said Sophie as she watched the sun rising.

Rick looked back and knew that they did not have much time left.

"let's go Alex!" said Rich and grab his son's arm and started to run. right behind them Sophie follow and behind Sophie her sibling follow as well.

"Run" Come on, Alex faster! Come on!" yelled Rick as they ran without stopping.

"Dad! the bracelet!" said Alex as he started to feel how his energy was starting to disappear.

"Run! Come on!" yelled Rick and pick his son into his arms and ran faster than ever before.

Just a few more seconds they were going to make it, the sun already at their tail, Rick was close to the pyramid and with it last effort he jumped and made it inside before the sun did.

Both out of breath laid on the sand, "You know, it's not easy being a dad." said Rick to his son as he was still trying to catch his breaths.

"Yeah, but you do it really good." replied Alex with a smile on his face.

"Thanks." said Rick.

In that moment the bracelet came undone, and Alex took it in his hand and throw it as far as he could. Both father and son still laid on the sand to take a moment to relax.

On the other side of the pyramid Sophie and her siblings were getting out of the forests and with a sight of relieve Sophie said, "They made it. Thank God."

"Oh, yes. Great." said Jonathan and not noticing Anck-Su-Namun walking past him, and she charge full force towards Sophie.

In a second Anck-Su-Namun had pulled her knife and stab Sophie into her stomach.

Sophie let out a loud groan making Rick stand up from his position and watch his wife spear with a knife.

"NO!" Screamed Rick and started to run towards them.

Imhotep pushed Jonathan out of the ways as the same with Evy. Anck-Su-Namun and Sophie looked into each other's eyes and with a grin Anck-Su-Namun pulled the knife out and walked away from her.

Rick was running as fast as he could, but his legs could only do so much.

"Sophie! Sophie!" yelled Rick and he grab her head before she could completely fall.

Alex watch Anck-Su-Namun waving at him with the book of the death in her hand and the little boy ran towards his mother.

"Jonathan! Evy!" yelled Rick

"Mom!" yelled the little boy who was trying to get to his mother.

"You're going to be all right. Isn't she, Dad?" asked Alex as he watched his mother bleeding on the sand.

"She's going to be all right. Just get him... take him.. take" said Rick to Evy who had regain conscious and walked towards them.

Rick did not know what to do, he was looking anywhere to get some help but there was none.

He could feel his soul leaving his body as he saw his wife struggle to get some air.

"You're real strong. You're gonna make it. You're gonna make it." said Rick to at this point he did not know if those words were to reassure her or him.

Sophie wanted to speak but it was hard to do so, the pain was unbearable, but she need to say her piece before it was too late.

"What do I do? What do I do, Sophie?" asked Rick, he was losing his mind part of it was the guilt as he started to remember the last thing, he said to her.

"Take care of Alex and I am sorry for not being honest." Said Sophie in a low voice.

"No. Sweetheart, no. don't apologize you had your reasons I just should of have just trusted you." said Rick, his tears not stopping.

"" said Sophie as she drew her last breath and closed her eyes.

"No, don't... NO. NO!" yelled Rick as his wife body went completely limp.

"Sophie? Sophie? No. NO. SOPHIE! Come back Sophie. Sophie Come back, come back!" Rick said over and over again. He could feel his heart being ripped apart and this immense grieve would occupy his whole being.

Alex hugs his uncle and aunt as all of them were crying for Sophie. 

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