Chapter 7

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On the street of London

Finally the O'Connell family was back together, while Sophie was tending to her son Rick and Ardeth were on the end of the bus preparing their guns. 

"Glad to see me now?" said Ardeth to Rick. 

"Just like old times, huh?" replied Rick  as he went up the stairs of the bus so he could have a better view to kill this mummies. 

Rick tried to shoot and shoot the mummies but it became clear that no matter how many times he shot them they would not back down. 

Two of each of the mummies climb up the walls of the street buildings, "Right. "said Rick as he  looked left and right not knowing what to do as he realize that this was going to be so much complicated as he had thought. 

On of the mummies jump towards the bus and let out an animal scream but before it could get closer to the bus, Rick  had a clear shot and shoot it directly to it face and turn it into complete ash. As he continue to shoot the mummies one of them jump into the low level part of the bus, taking Ardeth by surprise and started to shoot it. 

Jonathan was trying to drive the bus but it became more difficult as the mummies had jump on top of it. One was on the roof and Rick was trying to shoot it down, while on the first floor Ardeth had thought that he had kill it but only torn the bottom half of his body only living the upper half very much alive and angry. 

The mummy started to beat Ardeth as a result losing his gun on some part of the bus. 

Sophie was not aware of this, her mind was elsewhere. She felt like once again the young, naive and defenseless girl she once was. She could not believe he was alive, after all this years, he was back and was sure he would want revenge for what she had done to him. 



Screamed both Alex and Evie. Alex worry that something had happen to her and Evie worry about Ardeth. Evie know that Sophie was the fighter of the family but seen Ardeth being beating like that made some part of Evie her gun and started to shoot the mummy. 

Ardeth looked back and saw Evie, his heart had skipped a beat with just looking at her. he took that as an opportunity and started to the fight like back old school, with punches. 

Rick was still on the second floor of the bus reloading his gun when the mummy break the roof top and jump inside of his, giving no chance to shot it. The mummy pushed Rick to the ground making his gun to go flying to the other side of the bus. Rick tried to crawl - ran towards it,  but before he could get it the mummy took his legs and throw him to the other end of the bus and grab his shoulders and again throw him to the roof and proceeded to do it over and over again. 

Evie watch as the half mummy grow his nail like claws and charge towards Ardeth. Before the creature could kill him Ardeth turn to the side and the claws collided with his shoulder and arm. 

Sophie still could not get out of head, as she was having a panic attack. She knew that he will come for her and finish what he started or worse this time she really had something to lose and that was her family. 

"TURN! TURN! TURN! TURN! TURN!" screamed Evie to Jonathan. 

Jonathan without thinking twice he made a full turn and destroyed the streets of London along the way. but thanks to that the mummy that was holding Ardeth by the neck  and about to kill him had to let go as both of them collided into the bus' windows. 

Alex landed on top of his mother bringing her back to the present and made realize what was happening around her. 

Rick tried with all his might the get the mummy to let go,  but nothing worked. 

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