Chapter 5

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O'Connell Mansion 

Rick felt like he was about to die as he watched his wife disappear from the distance. He wanted to scream, he wanted someone to pinch him so he would know that what just happen was really real. 

"Dad! Dad!" yell Alex once he saw his father and started running towards him. 

Rick turned to face his son and embrace him with all his might as he realize Alex was save. 

"Are you alright?" asked Rick and once his son said that he was fine he turned towards Ardeth and before anyone could say something Rick grab Ardeth clothes and pulled him close showing how mad he was. 

"What the hell are you doing here? No! Scratch that. I don't care. Who are those guys and where are they taking my wife? " said Rick in one breath. He just wanted his wife back and will do whatever it takes to get her back. 

"My friend, I'm not sure, but wherever this man is your wife will surely be." replied Ardeth as he show Rick a picture of the man who he recognize as the man who was with the woman on his room and almost killed Jonathan. 

Alex took the picture looking closer, "Hey, I know him. He's the curator. He works at the British Museum with Aunt Evelyn." said Alex. 

"Are you sure?" asked Ardeth as his heart made a little jump at the mention of Evelyn. 

"Better believe him. He spends more time there than he does at home." Rick said as he turned grab his son and went towards his car. 

"Okay, you're here. The bad guys are here. Sophie's been kidnapped. So let me guess.." 

Rick started saying but Ardeth interrupted him and said, 

"Yes, they once again removed the creature from his grave." 

"Jonathan you need to call Evy to make sure she is alright because if this is like last time then they'll want both sister together." Said Rick to his brother in law. 

"I don't mean to point fingers, but isn't it your job to make sure that doesn't happen? said Jonathan to Ardeth. 

Rick Looked at Jonathan that said that go and make the call, Jonathan nob with his head and started to search for his phone. 

"The woman who is with him knows things no living person could possible know. She knew exactly where the creature was buried. We hoped she would lead us to the bracelet. She obviously did. Now they have it." explain Ardeth as everyone where getting closer to the car. 

"I wouldn't get too nervous just yet." said Alex facing his father and the man next to him and lift his sleeves and show them that he gat the bracelet all along. 

"Is that gold?" said Jonathan getting distracted. Rick gave Jonathan another looked and Jonathan went into his task again. 

"When I stuck it on, I saw the pyramids at Giza. Then whoosh... straight across the desert to Karnak." explained Alex, who he could not stop smiling out of joy. 

"You have started a chain reaction that could bring about the next APOCALYPSE!" said Ardeth worried out of his mind making Alex gasp out of pure shock. 

"You, lighten up." said Rick to Ardeth and turned towards his son and said, "You, big trouble." and finally he turned towards Jonathan and said, "You, Evelyn?" 

By the looked Jonathan had on his face Rick did not need an answer he knew that Evelyn did not picked up so that meant that she too was in trouble and he hoped that for the sake of his family that she would be safe with his wife Sophie. 

"Okay get in the car." order Rick to everyone and everyone did as told. 

"I'm sorry if I alarmed your son, but you must understand. Now that the bracelet's on we have only seven days before the Scorpion King awakens." said Ardeth to Rick. 

"We? what we?" said Rick. 

"If he is not killed, he will raise the Army of Anubis." Ardeth kept on explaining in the danger the world was about to face. 

"I take it that's not a good thing." said Jonathan on the back of the car. 

"Oh, he'll wipe out the world." Rick replied casually like that was the most normal news he has just received. 

"Oh!, the old wipe out the world play." said Jonathan with a face that said not again. 

"Whomever can kill the Scorpion King can send his army back to the Underworld or use it to destroy mankind and rule the Earth." Ardeth said again to Rick so he would fill him in on everything that he knew. 

"So thats why they dug up Imhotep 'cause he's tough enough to take out the Scorpion King." said Rick catching up to the hole story. 

"That is their plan." confirmed Ardeth. 


British Museum

Once they made it to the museum Rick stopped the car and turned towards his son. 

"Alex, I got a big job for you. Stay here and protect the car." said Rick 

"Protect the car?" said Alex at the same time Jonathan said, 

"I could do that!"  

"Come on Dad. Just because I'm a kid doesn't mean I'm stupid." said again Alex not believing a word his father just said. 

"I know." replied Rick and have his son a little shake to his hair while Alex complain to let him go. 

"If you see anyone come running out screaming, it's just me." said Jonathan to his nephew. 

"Maybe you should stay here and watch him." said Rick to Jonathan knowing that if he went he could compromise everything and get everyone killed. 

"YES! now you're talking." agreed Jonathan relieved that Rick is not making him go. 


"You want the shotgun?" asked Rick to ardeth as he pulled all his fire equipment from his car trunk. 

"No, I prefer the Thompson." replied Ardeth. 

The two of them were getting ready when Ardeth notice the mark 

Rick had on his right armed. With thinking Ardeth turned toward Rick and started saying, 

"If I were to say to you, I'm a stranger traveling from the east seeking that which is lost."

"Then I would reply that I am a stranger from the west. It is I whom you seek." said Rick without thinking about it. for a moment it surprise him and made him curious as to how he could know such a thing. 

"Then it is true!" said Ardeth surprised. 

"What?" asked Rick not getting anything. 

"You have the sacred mark." said Ardeth as he took Rick hand and show him the mark he was talking about. 

"What, that? No, it got slapped on me in an orphanage in Cairo." said Rick not really giving much appreciation to it. 

"That mark mean you're a protector of man, a warrior for God, a Medjai." Ardeth kept on pushing Rick so he would believe him. 

"Sorry. You've got the wrong guy." said Rick to Ardeth as he took his gun and put it on his belt now loaded. 

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