Chapter 10

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Quick note: 

As promise, todays shout out for guessing right the name of Sophie's ex lover Jack 


thank you for participating and reading my books. 

And here is a picture of what his character looks like. 


Over the sky night time

"O'Connell does not want to believe, but he flies like Horus towards his destiny." Said Ardeth as he said next to Evie and Jonathan. 

"Yes, yes, very interesting. Tell me some more about this gold pyramid." asked Jonathan as always not being able to contain his greed for shiny things. 

"Well, it is writting that since the time of the Scorpion King, no man who has laid eyes upon it has ever returned to tell the tale." 

Evy not able to surppress her laugh gave a small noise and cover her mouth. She knew that Aderth was playing with her older brother and making fun of him. 

Ardeth looked towards Evy and his heart skipped a beat both for the woman he had feelings for and regrett as he knew that frail and strong minded woman can not be by his side. 

"Where is all this stuff written? Hello..... got it." Jonathan said  and pulled the gold spectre under Izzy's as he was reading a map and not paying attention. 

"Pretty nice, eh?  This is all I have left in the world. the rest of my fortune was lost to some rather unscrupulous characters, actually." continues speaking Jonathan to Ardeth and showed him the gold sceptre. 

"But if the curator reacted to it the way you said, it must be very important." Evie wonder. 

"If I were you, I would keep it close." said Ardeth as he was thinking the same as her. 

Jonathan gave a small laugh and said, "My friend, the gods couldn't take this away from me." 

Out of nowhere Izzy reach over the sailing part and started fighting with Jonathan over the spectre. 

O'Connell paid no mind to what the trio were talking about and walked closer to his wife, who was over the edge of the boat deep in thought. 

Sophie was worried about his son and if her eyes did not deceive her, if Jack was here and took part of this whole thing and her son may be in more danger. 

"Hey." said Rick in a sweet and low voice as he reach for Sophie's shoulder. 

"I want him back, Rick. I want him in my arms." said Sophie in a low voice and reach for Rick's hand as a way to accept his comfort. 

"I know. We taught him well. He's smarter than you and he's tougher than me." said Rick

"I Love him so much. I just can't..." Sophie started saying as tears were falling from her eyes.

"I know. We both do, and Alex knows that. I'll get him back, Sophie. I promise." said Rick to his distress wife but he also felt an enormous weight on his chest. He also wanted his son back and be together as a family once again. 

"I know you will." said Sophie and got closer to Rick and gave him a kiss on his lips. 

Sophie ponder over the thought of if she should tell about Jack to O'Connell and then decided against it. She still was not sure if the man she saw it was him and to bring that topic now would only cause more stress for something she was still not sure of. 


Day time in the middle of the desert on a train

On the train where Alex was being wacht by Lock-Nah, the small O'Connell wanted to test the man's patience. 

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"

"NO!" Lock-Nah exclaimed as he pulled his knife and stab it between Alex's fingers and into the table. 

Alex's eyes bigger than a plates was in a state of shock and surprise said, "Whoa! That was amazing! Perfect aim." 

"What are you talking about?" asked Lock-Nah with a detest look on his face pulled his knife out of the table contine saying,  "I missed." 

The young boy with a face of shock looked at the man infront of him thinking that he almost lost a finger and still wanting to test Lock-Nah contine to bother him but repeting everything the man was doing.  

Lock-Nah already out of patience and full on anger took again his knife and was about to stab Alex. The young boy pulled back and quickly said, 

"I have to go to the bathroom!" 

On the other part of the train Meela was entering a room where the bodies of the three bandids laid on the floor. She walked past them with a look of disgust. As she looked up she saw a man rather than a decaying mummy. In front of her there was a handsome man who looked into her eyes with deep love. 

Meela bow her head which made Imhotep smile and grap her chin as if telling her that she does not need to bow her head before him. No words neede to be spoken just by looking into each others eyes their feelings were known, she smiled and both walked closer towards each other and kissed. 

"Make it quick!" Said Lock-Nah and pushed Alex into a disgusting bathroom. 

"I Can't go when someones's watching." said Alex and Lock-Nah was making no move of leaving him alone. To which Lock-Nah turned around to give him some privacy. 

"I don't trust you. You'll look." said Alex which made to grow man turned around with a face that said are you kidding me, and Alex looked at him with a untrust look as he was really serious. Lock-Nah left the bathroom and closed the door. 

Alex did not waste time to check the bars window and pulling it with all his might to see if it could come of and get out of there, and as that did not work he gave up and contine to procede to go to the bathroom. 

"Oh, my God! does,'t anyone around here know how to flush a toilet?" said Alex and flush it himself. 

For a momment Alex's eyes light up and watch the water flow and it looked like it was a direct way to the botton of the train and moved the toilet seat and he quickly thought of a way to escape and put it into motion. He pulled on a small chain that would make to train stop. 

Making everyone confused as to way it stop started to looked around, Imhotep knew that it was the boys doing as gun shots started to fire. 

Alex was running for his life and trying to avoid being killed. 

Imhotep pulled a door and mad for this stupid people, if Alex were to die the map would also disappear with him. With his powers made the men above him levitated and throw them against each other and of the train. 

"Karnak" said Imhotep and pulled Meela towards him. 

Alex kept on running until he reach a part where he thought he would be safe. The bracelet pulled Alex's arm up and started to show the next place they should go. 

Imhotep walking above water got closer to Alex and made him levitated and made a no no sound and waving his finger side to side. 

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