Chapter 6

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In the museum 

Lock-nah's men were getting ready to preform the ceremony to bring back once again the High Priest Imhotep. 

Sophie was still unconscious on a wooden table with her hands bound. 

Evelyn watched her sister bring brought closer to her, she wanted to help her but unfortunately she also was in the same position as her sister. Evy was scare she knew what was about to happen she only hoped that O'Connell will get just in time to safe their lives. 

Sophie was suddenly awaken when the men who were carrying her let her go with no gentleness. She did not understand what was going on and what this men wanted from her. 

She heard a man chanting and she was confuse as to why Mr. Hafez was doing here and her eyes open wide when she saw the book he was holding. 

"Sophie!" whisper Evy to her sister. 

Sophie turned and looked at Evelyn, and realization came to her as to why she was there. 

"Is he doing what I think he's doing?" asked Sophie 

"Yep! they found him, this is happening all over again." reply Evy just like her brother Jonathan, tired and annoyed. 


 They could hear the chanting from afar but still were really careful with their steps. They knew one wrong move and it would be over for all of them. 

Rick jump from surprise as a mummy came to life and pointed his gun about to kill it but another jumped from behind him and Ardeth. 

They had to move fast if they wanted to safe Sophie and Evelyn. 


Sophie struggle to get the ropes off of her wrist but they were too tight. She could feel her heart beating out of her chest once she hear the familiar scream of the mummy coming once again alive. 

"Imhotep" whisper Sophie once she lay eyes on him. 

Imhotep was finally free was looking into his surrounding. 

"What year is it?" asked Imhotep. 

"Master, it is the Year of the Scorpion." replied Hafez as he was getting up to face him. 

"Really?" asked again Imhotep. 

"Yes!" replied again Hafez. 

Imhotep let out a laugh, he knew the purpose as to why he was back and was happy to complete what he was not able to do the last time he was alive. 

Meela came through the doors and walked as confidently as her ancestor Anck-Su-Namun, Sophie could not keep her eyes away from her. She felt like they have met before but does not remember where. 

Out of nowhere for just a couple of seconds the scenario change and Meela was not wearing regular clothes but if not more ancient. Her body was cover in paint of gold and black and was barefoot, and just like that Sophie was back to the present. 

She did not understand what was going on with her but by the looks Evy was giving Sophie she knew that Evy saw the same thing as her, which meant that she was not going crazy. 

"Do not be frightened" said Hafez to Meela as she was approaching closer to Imhotep. 

"I am not afraid." Meela said without taking her eyes away from her past lover. 

"I am Anck-Su-Namun reincarnate" said Meela again but this time she was speaking to Imhotep. 

"Only in body, but soon I'll recover your soul from hell and our love will be whole once again." replied Imhotep as he was circling her. 

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